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Show Tho editor of the Linton (Indiana) Daily Call, author of tho "Wild Man of Borneo" fake, to whom lcferenco was mado In a recent Issue of this paper, comments on tho article and among other things says: "Wc arc not surprised tho editor would mention men-tion the first named gentleman (Ben. Harrison) but why ho should come to Linton and dig up an obscure newspaper news-paper writer and hold him up to the people of Utah as having achieved success in the face of tho fact that John Daniels, the famous song writer, whoso sweet songs are sung all over the world and especially one of his latest and one that has mado tho greatest musical hit of the century, "Dear Old Swansea Far Away." Many peoplo In Utah know of Mr. Daniels and his songs aro sung In hundreds of happy Utah homes as well as in every state and territory beyond tho Rockies. If they get after you again Bro. Editor just ask them to sing "Dear Old Swansea Far Away" and tell them that that song was produced In tho state from whence you camo and ask them If they would not be proud to call Indiana their home." By-the-way, John sent this publication a copy of "Dear Old Swansea," and after recalling the onco familiar strains, wc have come to tho conclusion that Bro. Moss has smeared It on pretty heavy in the above. The song is a fairly good one, but tho "hundreds of happy homes" in which it has been sung Is 0110 of Moss's visions. Wc have local talent as good as Daniels and their music Is as popular. We'll send tho old boy a copy of Jcppson's "Dawn of the Millenium." |