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Show The Travelers' Tree. H Ono of tho most curious, usoful and! 'H beautiful palm trees found In dark and, H mystorlous Madagascar Is known as,; InH tho "travelers' troo," or Ravenada' liH MadaEascarlensls, us tho scientists, fil with their ronowncd lovo of slmplo ll tois-.s, luvu to call IL Tho stem ro- il sembles that of tho plantain treo, and fil Uio leaves spread In a acmlclrclo llko (IsH an expanded fan. Tho lower lcavesi llH drop off as tho stem grows, and In an iHH old troo tho lowest leavo3 of tho fan, Sisifl aro often as high as thirty feet from' H tho ground. This palm troo rccolvoa jH Its popular n'amo from tho fact that ILH stores of puro and frequently cool wa- ll ter aro found In tho largo cupllko Issfl sheaths of tho stalks, which the trav- IIH olor may readily secure by tapping tho lH shoatliB at tho baso. |