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Show f 'Announcements. ! The ctmi tcrl confeience of the 11 rum Stake of .Ion will convene In I Hv rum on Sunday and Monda), .lunc HBf J 21st and 22nd. A good attendance Is m i ' earnestl) deshed. BBV J W. C. I'AKKIKMIK, BBb I Cr.o. O. PlTKlN, HBl I k I. C. TllOKKSKK, HBb Stake Presidency. BBb 1 f 3 ou stait to tell an) one join HBl I troubles and he turns the subject and HBb p doesn't glvc)ou a chance, hunt him HBl ' ' up afterward and thank htm foi it. I j GRAND SALE I ON I , SILVERWARE i r . I I If you don't think !i I j there are bargains I in Silverwarer B 1 come and see! ' We are overstock- i' ' ed and the ware l , must be sold.j I ' I - - I ;j I Johnson L Jewelry Company ' -Vb MAIN STREET. nnJUBk Their Sign-Tim Eye on the Br ,'JflBBBBk Subset Ibe lor The Republican. IF YOU LOOK AT OUR DISPLAY OF FOTOS Yoi will Notice that Our Mounts are up-to-date. Our Posing is Artistic. Our Finish is as it should be. Our Lighting is Correct. In fact ou will sec a better class of fotos than you ever saw In Logan before. WHY NOT HAVE THE REST. Wc ate located hcic permanently. FRIES, the Fotografer, Cardon Block, 1st North, Logan, Utah Logan, Fri. June 26 THE GREAT Sells & Downs UNITED SHOWS. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION. Grandest, Purest, Fairest ' Amusement Enterprise Enter-prise on the Earth. : Rings, 2 Stages; Half Mile Tiack. Scores of Otiglnal Featutes; 100 Phenomenal Acts; i" Clowns; 20 Hurricane Races; 10,000 Seats; J1,000,000 Mcnager; Camels and Elephants. Splendid in Organization. Magnificent in Presentation. THE WORLD'S BEST GIRGUS TALENT America's, Europe's Greatest Performers. Accomplishing the most novel, unique and sensational feats of angelic an-gelic grace and hazardous daring ever attempted. Grandest Horses of any Show on Earth. Be sure to See the "SACRED CARIBOU" THE ONLY ONE IN THIS COUNTRY. f Afternoon and Night, Rain or Shine. Under JO Acres of Water-Proof Canvas. Grand Free Street Parade at 10:30 a.m The M. and S. Grain and Seed Co. Sole Agents for MYERS' FAMOUS ROYAL SPICE for Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultty. We ate constant bii)ersfot CASH of WHEAT OATS and POTATOES, HOflS, etc., and pay the Highest price. The M. & S. Seed and Grain Go. Q F Lumber and Building Co. - HAS JUST RECEIVED , I OH 1107 l'',,l,t!i rccii Doots in OAK and I a A It I zii uuz. mn- a ia"c uiriet "i best ii rifl7 I fcW UVUt iri(.CSj Alsovvlndovv screens. w UU&I S -CA LL A N I) SEE TH EM.- I Yards: South Main Sreet, Logan Utah Mortgage Loan ( ' Corporation. Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah r has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for .. FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged 4 Just at present we want to call ) our attention to our stock of.... Paints Oils and Varnishes A little time, and a little expense ex-pense will make ) our house, ) our gate, vour wagon or )our buggy yt look like new. A Call and ictus show you ourllnc. We Want Your Trade. Go-op Grocery & Drug Go Odell's Studio FOR Photo's Successot to THOMAS & ODELL. fishing Tackle Rods from lfc to $2.00. Lines from 5c. to ic. Leaders, .'10c., (iOc., 75c. per do. Silk body tiles 40c. per do. Silk body Hies, rc-enforced, .00c. do. Fly books from 2oc. up. Heels from 15c. up. R. LAfOUNt & CO. Center Street, - Logan. I C. H. Baker I Home-made add Imported Shoes for I Ladies, Gents and Children Fine Repairing a Specialty. I 13 West Center St. Logan, Utah I JOHN THOMAS I MERCHANT TAILOR. I The leading tailor of the county. H Call and be convinced. DR. P. M. PAULSON. V PKNTIST. H Rest Set of Teeth $10.00 I Filling Teeth 1.00 Cleaning Teeth... 1.00 Highest class Ctown and Rridge H Woik at most reasonable pi Ices. All woik guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. Olllce over U. O. store B HARRY SWINYARD I is still at the old stand next door WL South of Logan Nutscty. CARRIAGE and RUOGY RE- B PAIRING A SPECIALTY. H Give us a Call. Satisfaction Guar- H atitccd. B Logan Real Estate & Loan Co. m Choice Farms & City Properly For Sale, jjmj REASONARLE TERMS B Louis L. Oahdon, Managei. Ollice-Ovcr Cache Knitting Works. m 1 P. 0. Hox J75 B flB |