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Show 1 Ik m fc fe R4 k Rfc A fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe k I 5 to-night! HI THATCHER OPERA HOUSE H- J H J SPECIAL TOUR OF Till- HRILUAXT ACTUKSS I 1 Rose Cog lila n I i 2 :lml tnc Manhattan Theatre, New York, cast and 2 HfeN. ,;, ? prodnctlon, in the most discussed dramatic oiler- J H -j ' hK of the tiicatrlcal saason In New York, London I j Mrs. Warren's Profession B S By Bernard Shaw. K I 2' The St. l'aul Dispatch of April lSth.tys: -'The Lion and tne ? B ( J Mouse" Is a poor amateur effort compared to this great work." J B Prices $1.50, $i.OO, 75c, 50c. 1 I TO-NIGHT! s iSPECIALt ; Closing Out Sale! fe : OF 6 1 Teefs Bargain Store! fe Owing to the serious illness of Mr. j Hemkes, my manager, I am compelled to J close out the LOGAN business at once. fe The SaJe te j I Begins Saturday, June 1 S H FVERYTHIN6 MUST 60 NOW AT SOME PRICE fe fe SHOES n PJ Ladies $1.25 Shoes go at ....... . 79c J fe Ladies Patent Leather Oxfords worth $2. 50 . , ffe going in this sale at $i75 E& , fe Ladies $2. 50'Shoes go in this sale at . . . $1.75 te Cj All other shoes, during this sale, in proportion. F r : r H QLOTHING j Ifc Men's JT7.00 and $8.00 Suits on sale -at $4.95 fe Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Suits on sale at $3.95 Ej All Boys' Clothing in proportion. J . fe J Graniteware. fe Special 10c Graniteware Sale Saturday. These fc ' J g goods will be LESS THAN HALF PRICE. g fe QrockeryGlassware g J You had better lay in a supply of Dishes and fe 1, Glassware for yo'u will pever again get them at fc, E these prices. VVe have a large assortment. g : - K v fe Carpets and Rugs j If you need a Carpet, this is your chance, as we htive a few rolls left to close out a Great Bargaiu. Ife fe fe One Large French Plate Mirror worth $15 to $0 at $6.75. ' & All Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, also. Hosiery fe jfe. and Underwear goes at SOME price. fc We have a good line of MEN'S HATS worth g. S1.50 and $2.00 that will go at 98c. You know our prices have always been below oth- f ers, and they will be still lower now. fe 1 ; fe H This is No Fake Sale. jg fe I am compelled to close it out because Mr. Hemkes I? ' is unable to look after it. r 5 Come in and look through aud see if there is Fft something you need. We havn't time to write fe Jfe ads now, but is sufficient jo.tell you that we must fc-1. fc-1. and will close .out everything at a great E? g BARGAIN. Tliis your opportunity. . K IF. MJtFfsl gRemember the placeS THATCHER BANK BLDG I 1 'I |