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Show f 1 KI33 8niNG3 FIRE ENGINES. Postman Embraced Girl, Who Upset Ladder Against Fire Box. A slinplo little klsa. Imprinted upon thtj H,s of a rretty.. typewriter fn one of tho downtown ouleo buildings one daxi last week, brouaht .several fire engines and hook and ladder companies com-panies racing to the scone of possible conflagration, hurried out the police reserves, blockaded Naisau street for half an hour and caused several thousand thou-sand nersons to ooagiegafp. according to the New York Press. Tenants of the "office building In question have noticed of late a flirtation flirta-tion between the handsome joung letter let-ter carrier who delivers the mall and the. pretty typewriter. At the office In which she Is employed the letter carrier devoted far more time to picking pick-ing out correspondence' for the Arm than was absolutely necessarv. The postman was swinging along the corridor the .other' day, his heart beating a trifle more qulckly than usual, as he neared the offlce where his sweetheart Is employed. Just then the door opened and she came out. Tho couple walked along a few steps together; chatting gayly. The corridor was deserted, and the gallant letter carrier decided to embrace the opportunity and the girl at the same time. He succeeded In klssln'gher, but the suddenness of Hue Balr .startled the girl and he broke away from his encircling arm. In so doing she upset a small ladder, which fell against the Are alarm box, smashing the glass and pressing the electrle button In full accordance with the printed i tiles. , The girl .fle.d to her offlce and the postman dlsipea-red around a corner of the corridor, and began delivering mall with fiendish rapldltv. Vhen the Jlremen arrived they ' saw tho 'broken, alarm and the prostrate" lad'. der and promptly summed up the Bltuatlon as a false alarm. , They dldn t know how the ladder happened to fall, but blamed the usual skylark Ing boys. But the girl knows and the postman knows. So does" one of the (tenants, who opened the door of his I offlce Just In time to see the comedy But he Isn't .going to. tell. ' , - |