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Show r BLACK BEAR AND HER CUDS. ' Her Physic and Her Food After Hef ' Five Months' Sleep. The black bear has her cubs, from . one to three, In her den during tho m6nths of Match and Aplil and "It Is an Interesting thing to know that she has the rower to give birth to her young at least two weeks before the proper time If, drien from her den. She will icturn to her cubs if let alone, sajs a writer In Forest and I ream. In the den she cares for her young until the snows of the north country have sufficiently melted to permit of her getting about, when he ''hits tho trail" again. She eats nothing during dur-ing the five months that Ihe hlber-nates, hlber-nates, except tl.nt from time to time she will lap the jclelu' which la. rondo by the fiecjlng of her breath oh hir i paw s. She ventures forih as oon as the snow has sufficiently molted to rer- mlt of her gutting about and for bev-eral bev-eral days will cat nothing but hemlock hem-lock bark and certrln toots, which' act us n phj sic. When In her normal statu of health ngnln Bhe Is ravenously hungry and will diligently fish the brooks nnd streams In search of a dinner of trout, will hunt up the cnrcanes of deer or moose which have been overcome over-come by the severity of the winter 'or wjll nrey upon poicupines by quick-ly quick-ly putting her imw Under the stomach and rolling the' porcuplno on its back, then with a slap tear out the entrails' ami eicape the quills. , |