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Show m KOC3 Ifl HIS OWN counx- Mr.n'-na Jurfga Rsfused'to Llstjn tt Point of Lav, At cue f no, tho atiprome court U med a h uiarviaory writ dfrectin-' JutUe C .ai.cy, of .Montana,' to maiio : cortGii: older In a eass, elthoi' rait Ing or u-fiialng a right to Air a a?a mated, so tltat tho matter might be Anally determined In tho hl?lier tribunal. tri-bunal. When thla was brought to the Judge's nttentrtm, ho announced that he would lako tho matter un.l'r adlsc-ment. adlsc-ment. The Judge . had taken other maters iiuJor advisement advise-ment aniPtlioy had novor boon heard ot afterward; Itwas one way of al lowing Ilelnze ample time to extract valuable ore bodies from tho disputed ground. "Under tho decision of the supreme court, we are entitled to an Immed.atu order," Raid I.. O. 'Kvnns, the Amalgamated attorney, who pro-ented pro-ented tho matter la court. "Well, I'm noV going to give It to you," came hack the reply from tho bench. "Our only recottrso will bei another appeal to the Bupromo court," aald Mr. Kvans. "You can go to tho supreme court, or anywhere olso you please," said tho Judge. "This court can be punished for contempt" "Go away, go away," shouted tho Judgo, waving his long afms bclllgorently toward tho lawyor. "You talk like a town fool 1 usod to know back In Missouri. Halllff, adjourn ad-journ court." McCluro's. Magazine. |