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Show J. H. Brown John Montrose. I .- CACHE VALLEY MARBLE AND GRANITE COMPANY. & I I Marble and Granite Mon- I ;,W uments and Headstones.- I I r i When you want a stone to mark the grave of a loved I one, jou want the BEST a good stone that has Style, I Finish and real Heauty, and.you should have that kind I You want the MKST at the RIGHT price, also. . I HUT, If jou get the HEST stone at the RIGHT price I you will have to go the right place that's HERE. I We have Just received FIVE Car loads of fine stones I from which you can make a selection. I And we GUARANTEE our Work and Prices. I We would like to figure with you on work of this kind. I 175 South Main, Logan. I Fishing Tackle I Large Variety Better Quality and Lower Prices than ' ever. Our prices have become familiar by their fairness. ' N BUILDERS & GENERAL HARDWARE bSNK JQOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' ' : Largest'Stock, Highest Quali ty at Lowest Prices. ' ' R. LaFotmt & Co, 38 West Genter St., - JLogan. 1 ' . - - -" . . . . m " " ' " ? 'A 5 I I Hanging by a Thread ' f Ji ' IS THE REPUTATION OF A NEW PI- J ANO, OR A NEW, UNTRIED VENTUR- J ' ' ER IN THE MUSICAL WORLD Z A j SAFE AS A ROCK J 'A IS the standing of the Man, and the Music, which .has stood i ' the test of time. Tnc HKNRY F. MILLER, the BAUER, K The SCHILLER, and all the makes sold by the THATCH-J ' m ' ER MUSIC CO., have stood the test. 2 . 2 ''f J 39 South Main St., Logan. J&L . OUR NEW STORE. I f Have You a Cough A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will relieve it. nave you a cold? Try It for whooping cough, for asthma, asth-ma, for consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe McGrath, :i27 K. 1st. Street nutchlnson, Kans. writes; "I have used Rallard's Horehound Syrup In my family for five years, and find lt the most palatable medicine I over used. Sold by Rlter Hros Drug Co. That Tired Feeling If you arc languid, 'depressed, In capable for work, it indicates that your liver is out of order. Herblnc will assist naturo to throw of headaches, head-aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies ener-gies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple, Texas, Tex-as, writes, "I have used Herblnc for the past two years. It has done me more good than all tho doctors. It is the best medicine ever made for chills and fever." fiOc. Sold by Rlter Hros Drug Co. Muslin I Underwear I ot flie I Logan I Knitting I Factory. I I I |