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Show H Articles Of H Sncorporapion Filed IIS' The, irrigation interests Qf Josro ffiffi Knight of Provo, with those of Josoph Ifli n. Murdock of Hobor City, are united, so far ns Is necessary, to promoto an WMli; extensive irrigation onterp.'lso at tho Hal south and southwest shores of Utah MM lake, in a now company, known as Wax tho Qoshen Valley Irrigation company, mm, of which tho articles of incorporation II were filed with the socretnry of stnto WM Inst weok. Tlio company Is captlllzcd mhi ' at $250,000 in CO cont shares. Josoph Kjj, It. Murdock is president and goneral Eli managorj W. Lestor Mangum, vice- El prosldent, and 11. J. Murdock, socro- IK, tary and treasurer. iM In addition to J. It. Murdock nnd ft Mr. Mangtim, the directors of the now MB company aro J. D. Keolor, Jesse DR Knight, Abel J. Evans, H. 13. Smdot, ffi n. 3. Alton, J. A. Roshard and H. R. 9, Wuldo. Each of thoso Incorporators Hm is crcdltod with holding 2000 shares jfiO of stock in tho now company; tho ifiV Utah Lnko Irrigation company, of HI t which J. II. Murdock is president, has fuj. 00,000 shares; tho I'rovo Kosorvolr HJ company, with tho same president, M 94,000 shares, and tho Utah Valley RJI Land & Water company, of which ma Josbo Knight is prosldent, 22,000 fgj Bharcs. HI Tho company takes over various MJ lands situatod in tho irrigation (lis- H trlct, including tho slto of tho pro- HE poses pumping plant jURt south of H6 Pelican point, on Utah lako. It also HS Stakes ovor staves for 000 foot of four- HJ foot wood plpofrom tho syphon ovor HD tho Jordan river a short dlstanco IH north of tho Narrows. This proporty (M Is given In the Incorpoorntlon papers InJ ' a total valuo of 1112,000. |