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Show THE LACE VOGUE CONTINtiS Decoration Approaches Favor It KnHfl In Fifteenth Century and Is UhJHh In Ore at Profusion. HH Lnco nppronchen again such n coUHJ ago as It knew In tho Fifteenth tury, when drawn-work and cot-nHfl established n transition from cmbiaHfl cry to lnco, according to Vogue. HH tlio Sixteenth century Ii.ro wui t-HH moro In favor nnd wo find la iHfl modes of tho dny thoso collars lonHfl ns "frnlses," tho deep cuffs nndiaH Ince aprons on court gowns, sucbtHfl wcro worn by Cnthcrlno do MHl Particularly In Venice, tho making Hfl needle-point lnco had nt that tlmedHJ period of great prosperity. AnurntHB also, was famous for Its laces at &Bl samo time, whllo In Flanders raHl mndo embroidered tulles of lnlmltiMHH splendor, bits of which are still pHH served in collections. Hi In tho Sixteenth nnd .SeventeffilHJ centuries li.ee continued In favor, ttlHJ even tho men of tho days of Louis JTB and Louis XVI wore coats enrlcMHJ with the finest Valenciennes andAlftHJ con lace, whllo their hnndkcrchWHJ mndo as lavish uso of lace m iUHJ thoso of women of the day. ItlifrHJ Louis XIV that Franco owes II 1HJ stnllatlon of n great lnce-nmldnj cHJ tcr In Franco and It was his pntrontcBJ which started the work which prBJ duccd such wonderful results si HJ point d'Alencon, tho point d'ArgrntuHJ tho point do Bruxclles, and tlicpoH d'Angletore, laces which were ataHJ mado In France. HJ |