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Show airfield Notes L gorcna McKinnoy nnnouncos Rnarrlngo of hor daughter, Josio, Hndrew Davis of Fort Douglas. dancing jiai'ty'Tvas glvon In tlio Bflcld Oym on Armistice Day. The Having wore present. Mr. and Mrs. K Carson and Mrs. Lohmnn Mc-Key, Mc-Key, the Missus Mlnnlo Cnrson, Kma McKlnney, Alllo Flack, Ln-Ha Ln-Ha Thomas, Fern and Dora Smith H Clara Peterson Messrs. Cllrf, Bed, Fred nnd Warren Carson, Kde'll McKinnoy, Alfred Holdlwny Hgmlth Allen. Henry Armstrong has returned He from Pnyson whoro ho hn3 spent ftmbcr of weeks. B Hr aml SIrB' M" L Cook nn1 famlly Halt I-ako, spoilt Sunday hero with t daughter, Mrs. .1. A. Carson. B o Hjss Thclraa McKinnoy ontortaincd Huay ovcnlng at hor homo, tho Hcs ''"' Flack, Cora and Forn h, LaVetta Thomas nnd Clara rson. Mossrs. Cliff, Hussol and M Carson, Kph. Wnltors and Alfred Biway wcro prcsont. K p. A. Thomas and daughter, B, of Lehl, wero at Fairfield Sun-Kvenlng. Sun-Kvenlng. HL nni1 J,r8, Dan Carlqulst aro H!t0 spend an Indoflnato tlmo with HI Carlaulst's mother, Mrs. Serena Hnnoy. R and Mrs. Ether Carson aro re-ftg re-ftg ovor tho arrival of a baby B Mother and babo aro doing Bon Carson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ht Carson, Is ill with pneumonia. Hi and MrB- J- L- McKinnoy, who Bbccn visitors at Salt Lake, ro-d ro-d homo today. Bxe Walters has roturncd after Rlng a month .at American Fork i Miss LaVotta Thomn. nnd Fern" Smith motorod to Amorlcan Fork Wednesday. Wed-nesday. TO HIS MAJBSTY THF. UAHY-Wlion UAHY-Wlion grandma greet you Xnimi morn Ing, nhnt bettor present can you har for hor than your photo, studio open Saturdays Ovor llrondbent Store |