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Show Local Items Mrs. J. A. Walton of Salt Lake spent Sunday hero with rolatlvos. Miss Mlrl Clark wbb a Salt Lako visitor Friday. Miss Edna Rolfo spoilt tho weekend week-end In Salt Lako with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ilackor and family spent Sunday In Salt Lako. Miss Mabel Giles was a Salt Lako visitor Friday. Dont forget tho frco theatre tlckots, one with ovory dollar nt Peoplo's Coop. ntV Jnspor Holfo was a buslnoss visitor to Salt Lako Thursday. o Mrs. Carrlo Bono and children of MacKny, Idaho, Is visiting hero at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Bono. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. ThomnB of Salt Lako spent Saturday and Sunday hero with Mrs. D. A. Thomas. Mrs. Josoph Itoborts entertained at supper Sunday ovening In honor of her son Earl. Covers woro laid for eight. o Mrs. Earl Condor of Amorlcan Fork spent tho week-end hero with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rolfo. o Tho Big Salo Continues nt Peoplo's Coop. adv. o Mrs. B. D. Kemp of Magna, was visiting hero last week with hor mother, Mrs, John Woods. o Miss Erma Chrlstonscn of Salt Lako Is visiting hero with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Clark. Miss Llzzlo Shaw was n Drapor visitor Wednesday, tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw. o Mr, and Mrs, D. II. Leo of Magnn aro spending Thanksgiving hero with rolatlvos. Miss Altn Ilntomnn was a Salt Lako vlsltorf Friday. Miss Mattlo Davis spent Sunday In Pleasant Qrovo visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. Winn Clark. o Bargains In ovory dopartmont at Peoplo's Coop. adv. o Mrs. Stanloy Firth and daughter ot Pocatollo, Idaho, aro visiting hero tho .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shaw. o Big Salo still on at Watson's, adv. Miss Allco Jones, who is attending school In Provo, spoilt tho wook-ond horo with hor paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Jones. Warrsn Bon? ipgnt, several, days this week in Salt Uke, the guost of hl aimer. Mrs. It. H. mieg. ; A wireieu imisTage from Sa'ntn C nus states that ho will nrrivo with , 'l8 loaa of Xmn. goods and toys'nt Iooplos Coop, noxt week, Docombor "rat- .adv. I Monday ovenlng"a7 tho homo of hor paronts, Mlg Blanche Wohb entertained enter-tained at a party honor ot hor birthday nnnlveriary. Tho ovening was spent with gamos and music. Balnty rofreshnionts woro served. Now bargains every day at I'ooplo's C-P- ' ndv. Tuesday ovening hi tho First Ward Amusomont Hall, tho mutuals of tho First, Second and Fifth wards entertained enter-tained nt n Harvest Fostival. Games, music nnd dancing was enjoyed by thoso prosent. nofreshments woro served. Don't fall to visit Watson's Big Salo. Mrs. W. E. Ilackor ontortalnod at dinner Sunday In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Moslali Evans and Mrs. B. Oj Bush. i Mr.nnd Mrs. Jncob Evnup, Mr. and Mrs. Moslah Evans, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Evans nnd Carl Evans attond'oil tho funeral of Mrs. Hnchol Campbell horo Sunday. Tho son of MrTTnd Mrs. Herman Allrcd Is recovering from an Illness of ten days. Ho suffered a Blight touch of pneumonia. Groat values oITorcd nt Watson's Big Sale. , ndv. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ilackor aro spending Thanksgiving in Snlt Lako with relatives. Mrs. John Woods Is visiting in Magnn this week with hor daughtor, Mrs. B. D. Komp. Frnnklo O'Brien of Salt Lako Is spending tho week-end hero with rolatlvos. rola-tlvos. y o A flno baby boy arrived at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo A. Fox of Provo Tuesday. Mothor and babo doing lino. o Now bargnlns ovory day, nt Pooplo'a Coop. ndv. A flno baby girl nrrlvod ot tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Doll Manning of Salt Lake, October ICth. Mrs. Manning was formerly ' Miss Vera Varnoy of this city. Monday evening in tho Qrominor Grado school building, tho Grnmmor Grado Teachers entertained tho Primary and High School teachers at a party. Tho ovening was spent with games nnd music. Refreshments woro served. Bargains In ovory department at Peoplo's Co-op. adv. Mr. and Airs. John R. Bono woro I-ehl visitors Sunday. o Blghop Henry Lewis was a Salt Lako buslnoss visitor last wcok. Ira Lewis Is spending this wcok In Snlt Lnke, visiting with relatives. Mrs. Hanson of 8andy, spont last wook horo with hor "son, Owon Hanson. Han-son. 1 Now bnrgalns ovory dny nt People's Co-op. a,iv. o Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo P. Prlco wero visiting with Murray rolatlvos Sunday. Dr. F. D. Worlton"nttondcd a medical medi-cal mooting nt Provo Tuesday ovohlng. ,0 Mrs. Lloyd Rudy of Pleasant Grovo, was a Lohl visitor Sunday. o- Mrs. J. Johnson of American Fork, was visiting horo with hor slstqr, Mrs. II. E. Itadmall, Sunday. , Mrs. Adolph Hungor was visiting with roaltlvoB In Pleasant Grovo Monday. Mon-day. o Great values offered at .WatBon's lg Salo. ' N .ndv. Lovl Swohson of Snlt Lako was the guost of MIbs Clara Dovoy Sunday. ' Miss Hortonso Evnna spout Tuesday Tues-day In Salt Lako. Warren Goatos was n visitor nt Salt Lake Tuesday. In placo of n Xmas card, send your photo-both soasonablo but ono, a pormanont romlndor of yoursolf. Larson and Hollow ovor Brondbents Storo. Studio open Saturday. 11-25-21 Mr. and Mrs. Thadus Powell, nnd Mr. nd Mrs. Isaac Bono nutood to Provo Friday. Miss Flora West of Ploasant Grovo, wns visiting In Lehl Monday tho guost of Mr. and Mrs. Soron Soronson. Mrs. S. A. Smith, Miss Mario Gun-thcr Gun-thcr nnd John Smith woro Salt Lako visitors Tuo8day. Dont forgot tho froo thcatro tlckotB, ono with ovory dollar at Peoplo's Coop. ndv. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rndmall, who hnvo been living horo for tho past year, aro moving to Amorlcan Fork this week. Frod Klrkham, who is oniployod at West Jordan, spent Wednosday horo with his parotnB, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hyrum Klrkham. Now bargains ovory dny at Pooplo's Co-op. adv. -o Mr. and Mrs. David Carson spont Tuosday of Inst wcok nt Salt Lako visiting rolatlvos. Their daughtor, Emily, who had boon visiting hor grandmothor thcro, returned with thorn. ' 11. Juno, 1923. "- Paving District No. 3. BHI First nnd, Final Estlmato Strcot First Publication Novombor 18, 1920, t iH '-? 1 ' isBB |