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Show United States to Oils State for the support sup-port of the common school, the proceeds pro-ceeds of nil property thnt may accrue to the State by escheat or forfeiture; nil unclaimed shares and dividends of any corporation Incorporated under the Jaws of this State; the proceeds of the wile of timber, minerals or other property prop-erty from school and State lands other than those granted for specific pur-loses; pur-loses; and the S per centum of the net proceeds of the sales of public lands lying- within the State which shall be hold by the United States, subsequent to the ndmlsslon of this State Into the Union, shall be and remain a perpetual fund, to be called the State School Fund, the Interest of which onl), together to-gether with such other means as the Legislature may provide, shall be distributed dis-tributed among the several school dls. trtcts according to the school population popula-tion residing theieln Sec 4. The location and establishment establish-ment by existing laws of the University Univer-sity of Utah and the Agricultural College Col-lege are hereby confirmed, and all the rights. Immunities, franchises and endowments en-dowments heretofore granted or conferred con-ferred are hereb perpetuated unto snld University and Agricultural College Col-lege respectively. Sec. 6. The proceeds of the sale of-lands of-lands reserved by an Act of Congress approved February 21, 1S55, for the cs-tabllshment cs-tabllshment of the University of Utah, nnd of all the lands granted by an act of Congress, approved July 16, 1VH, shall constitute permanent funds to be tafely Invested and held by the State; and the Income thereof shall be used exclusively for the support and maintenance main-tenance of the different Institutions nnd colleges, respectlvcl), In accordance accord-ance with the requirements and conditions condi-tions of said acts of Congress, Sec. 0. In cities of the first and sec-end sec-end class, the public school system shall be maintained and controlled by the Hoard of IMucatlon, of such cities, separate and apart from the counties In which said cities are located. Sec. 7. All public school funds shall be guaranteed by the State against los r diversion. Sec. 8. The general control nnd supervision su-pervision of the public school system shall be vested. In a State Hoard of Education, consisting of the Superintendent Superin-tendent of Public Instruction nnd such other persons ns the Legislature may prov Ide. Sec. 9. Neither the Legislature nor the State Hoard of Education shall .have power to prescribe text books to be used In the common schools. Sec. 10. lnilltutlons for the deaf and dumb and for the blind are hereby established. es-tablished. All piopert) belonging to the School for the Deaf and Dumb, heretofore connected with the University Univer-sity of Utah, shall be transferred to wild Institution for the deaf and dumb. All the proceeds of the lands granted by the United States for the support of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum and for an Institution for the Illlnd shall be' n perpetual fund for the maintenance of said Institutions. It shall be n trust fund, the principal of which shall remain re-main Inviolate, guarnntild b the State against loss or diversion. Sec. 11. The metric system shall be taught In the public s hoots of the State. Sec. 12. Neither religious nor partisan parti-san test or qualification Bhull be required re-quired of any person as a condition of admission, as a teacher or student. Into any public educational Institution of the State. Sec. 13. Neither the Legislature nor any county, city, town, school district or other public corporation, shall make . any appropriation to aid In the support i of any school, seminary, academy, college, col-lege, university or other Institution, controlled In whole of In part by uny church, sect or denomination whatever. Article XI. COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS Section 1. The several counties of the Territory of Utah, existing at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, Constitu-tion, are hereby recognized as legal subdivisions of this State, and the pre-clnctfl pre-clnctfl and school districts, now existing exist-ing In said counties, ns legal subdivisions subdivis-ions thereof, nnd they shall so continue until chnnged by law In pursuance of this article. Sec. 2, No county seat shall be removed re-moved unless two-thirds of the quall-lled quall-lled electors of the county, voting on the proposition at a general election, chull vote In favor of such removal, and two-thirds of the votes cast on the proposition shall be required to re-locate a county seat A proposition of removal shall not be submitted In the same county more than once In four years. Sec. 3. No terrltoiy shall be taken from any county unless a mujoilt) of the voters living In such territory, as well ns of the county to which It Is tit be annexed, shall vote therefor, and then only under such conditions ns rnny be prescribed by general law-Sec. law-Sec. 4. The Legislature shall establish estab-lish a a) stem of county government which shnll be uniform throughout the State, and by general laws shall provide pro-vide for pieclnct nnd township organizations. organi-zations. Sec. S. Corporations for municipal purposes shall not be created by special spe-cial laws; the Legislature, by general laws, shall provide for the Incorporation, Incorpora-tion, organization, and clnsslllcatlon of cities and towns In proportion to imputation: impu-tation: which laws may be alteied, amended or repealed. Sec, 0. No municipal corporation shall, directly or Indirectly, lease, sell, alien or dispose of any waterworks, water-rights or sources of water supply now or hereafter to be owned or con- trolled by It; but all such waterworks, t water-rights and sources of water sup- ply now owned or hereafter to be no- H quired by any municipal corporation, H shull he preserved, maintained and A operated by It for supplying Its Inhabt-H Inhabt-H tants with water at reasonable K charges, Provided, That nothing heie-H heie-H In contained shall bo construed tu pre-V pre-V vent nny such municipal corporation m from exchanging water-rights, or sources of water supply, for other B water-rights or sources of water supply V of equul value, and to be devoted In , m like manner to the public supply of Its V Inhabitants W Article XII. COKI'OHATIONB. Section 1. Coriwratlons ma be formed under general laws hut shall not be created by special acts. All laws relating re-lating to corporations rnny be altered, amended or repealed by the Legislature; Legisla-ture; and all corpoiutlons doing business busi-ness In this State may, as to such business, bo regulated or restrained by law. Sec. 2 All existing charters, franchises, fran-chises, special or exilustvu privileges, under which an actual and bona fide organization shall not have tnken place, and business been i-ommenced In good faith, at the time of the adoption "f this Constitution, shall thereafter have no validity, and no coriKirnllon In existence at the time of the adoption adop-tion of this Constitution shall have the benefit of future legislation without lift filing In the olllce of the Secretary of State, an acceptance of the pro-vMons pro-vMons of this Constitution Sec. 3, The Legislature shall not extend ex-tend any franchise or charter, nor remit re-mit the forfeiture of nny franchise or chaiter of ati) corporation now- existing, exist-ing, or which shall hereaftT exist under un-der the Inws of this State. See 4 The term "Corporation," ns used In this article, shall be construed to Include all associations nnd Joint stock companies having nny powers or privileges of corporations not possessed by Individuals or partnerships, nnd all corpotatlons shall have the light to sue. and shall bo subject to be sued, In all courts. In like enset ns natural persons. per-sons. Sec 5. Corporations shnll not Issue stock, except to bona lido subscribers thereof or their assignee, nor shall any corporation Issue ojiy bond, or other obligation, for the payment of mone, except for mone) or property received, or Inbor done. The slock of coriKirnllon coriKirn-llon shall not be Increased, except In puisuance of general law, nor shnll any law authorize the Increase of slock without the consent of the person per-son or persons holding the larger larg-er nmount In nlue of the stock, or without due notice of the proposed Increase having previously previous-ly been given In such manner a may be prescribed by law. All fictitious Increase In-crease of stock or Indebtedness shnll be void Sec C. No corporation organized outside out-side of this State shall be allowed to transact business within the State on conditions more favorable than those prescribed by law to simitar corporations corpora-tions organized under the laws of this State Sec 7 No corporation shall lease or alienate any franchise, so n to relieve the franchise or property held thereunder there-under from the liabilities of the lessor, or grantor, lessee, or grantee, contracted con-tracted or Incurred In operation, use or enjoyment of such franchise or nnj of Its privileges. Sec. 8, No law shall be pasred granting grant-ing the right to construct nnd operate a street railroad, telegraph, telephone or electric light plnnt within nny city or Incorporated town without the consent con-sent of the local authorities, who have control of the street or highway pio-posed pio-posed to be occupied for such purposes. Sec 'J No corporation shnll do business busi-ness In (hi Slate without having one or more places of business with nn authorized au-thorized agent or agent upon whom process may be sarved, nor without II i st filing a certified copy of Its article arti-cle or Incorporation with the Secretary of State Sec 10. No i-orporatlon shnll engage In nny business other than thnt expressly ex-pressly authorized In Its charter, or ui-tlcles ui-tlcles of Incorporation. Sec 11. The exercise of the right of eminent domain shall nei,Uie so abridged or construed us to pievenl (he legislature from taking the property and franchises of Incorisirnted companies, com-panies, and subjecting them to public use the same as the properlj of Individuals Indi-viduals Sec 12 All railroad and other transportation trans-portation companlea nre declared to be common carriers, and subject to legislative legis-lative contiol; mid such companies shall receive and transport each other' pnssengers and freight without discrimination dis-crimination or unnecessary delay. Sec. 13. No railroad corporation shall consolidate It stock, property or franchises fran-chises with nny other railroad corporation corpora-tion owning a competing line. Sec 14 The rolling stock nnd other movable property belonging to any railroad compnny or coiporatlon In thl State shall beconsldeird personal prop-e-rt), nnd shall be liable to taxation and to execution and sale In the same manner a the personal property of Individuals, In-dividuals, and such property shnll not be exempted from execution and sale-Sec sale-Sec IB. The Legislature shall pass laws establishing rensonnble maximum rates of charge for the transportation of passengers and frc-lght, for correcting correct-ing abuses, and pieventlug discrimination discrimina-tion and extortion In rates of freight and passenger tnilff by the dlfTerent railroads and other common cairlersln the State, nnd shall enforce such laws b) adequate penalties. Sec 10 No corporation or association associa-tion shnll bring any armed person or bodies of men Into this Stntc fur the preservation of the peace or the suppression sup-pression of domestic troubles without authority of law. See 17 No olllcer, employee attorney at-torney or agent of any corixiratlon, company or association doing business under or by virtue of any municipal charter or franchise shall be eligible to or permitted to hold any municipal olllce In the municipality granting such charter or franchise Sec. 18. The stockholders In every coriKiratlon and Joint stock nssoclntlon for banking purposes. In nddltlnn to the amount of capital stock subscribed and fully paid by them, shall be Individually Individual-ly resftonnlble for an additional amount equal to the amount of their stock In such corporation, for nil It debt and liabilities of every kind Sec, 19. i:very person In thl State shall be free to obtain emplo ment whenever possible, nnd any person, coiporatlon or ngent. servant or employee em-ployee thereof, maliciously Interfering or hindering In any way any person from obtaining, or enjoying employment employ-ment already obtained, from nny other corporation or person, shall be deemed guilty of a crime, The Legislature shall provide for the enforcement of this section. Sec. 20. Any combination by Individuals, Indi-viduals, coriHirnllons or associations having for lis object or effect the inn-trolllng inn-trolllng of the price of any pioducts of the soil or of any article of muiiufai-ture muiiufai-ture or commerce, or .he cost of exchange ex-change or transportation, Is prohibited, nnd heieby declared unlawful ami i against public polle) The Legislature shnll pas laws for the enforcement of , this section by adequate pennltlis, and , In rase of Incorporated companies, If necessary for that punm. may declare de-clare a forfeiture of their franchise At tide XIII. , nUVUNUi: AND TAXATION I Section 1 The flsi-nl )eur shall begin be-gin on the first day of Januniy, unless changed by tho Leglslntuie. Sec. 2. All property In the Slute, not exempt under the law of the United Stntes or under thl Constitution, shall be taxed 111 proportion to Its vnlue. In I ascertain) d ns provided by law. The woid propert) us used In thl article Is hirtby declined to Include monc). credits, bonds, stocks, franchises and i all matters and things (real, personal I and mlxid) capable of private owner ship, but thl shall not be so construed as tu authorize the taxation of the slocks of any company or corporation when the proper!) of such compan) or corporaflon reprefenled by such slocks has leen taxed The Legislaluie shnll provide b) law for an annual lax suftl-clent, suftl-clent, with other sourees of revenue, to I defrn) the estimated ordinary expenses of the State for each flecal )ear. For the purKse of paying the state debt, If any theie be, thei- Lcglsiatuie shnll provide for levying a lax annually, sulllclen! to pay the annual Interest and principal princi-pal or such debt within iwenly )ear from Ihe Una! pnssnge of Ihe law cre-ullng cre-ullng ihe debl. Sec 3 The Legislature shall provide by law a uniform and equal rale of assessment as-sessment and taxation on all property In the State, according to Its value In mone), and shall prescribe by general law such regulations n shall secuie a Just valuation for taxation of all property, prop-erty, so thnt every person ond corporation corpor-ation shall pay a tax In proportion to the value of his, her or Its propert) provided, that a deduction of debts riom credit be authorized; provided, further, that the prcqierty of the United States, of the State, counties, cities, towns, school districts, municipal corporations cor-porations and public libraries lot with ihe building thereon used excluslvel) for either tellglous worship or charitable charita-ble purposes, nnd places of burial not used or held for private or corporate benellt. shall be exempt from taxation Ditches, cnnnls, and Humes owned nnd used by Individuals or corwiratlons for Irrigating lands owned by such Individuals Individ-uals or corporations, or the Individual member thereof, shall not be separately separate-ly taxed so long a the) shall be owned and used exclusively tor such purpose Sec 4. All mines nnd mining claims, both placer and rock In place, containing contain-ing or bearing gold, sliver, copper, lend coal or other valuable mineral deposits, after puichasc therof from the United States, shall be taxed at the price paid the United States therefor, unless the surface ground, or some part thereof, of such mine or claim, Is used for other than mining purposes, nnd has a separate sep-arate nnd Independent value for such other purposes, In which case said surface sur-face giound, or nny part thereof, so used for other than mining pui)oses, shall be taxed at Us value for such other purposes, a provided by law, and nil the machinery used In mining, and nil property nnd surface Improvement Improve-ment upon or nppurtennnt to mine and mining claims which have n value separate and Independent of such mines or mining claims, and the net annual piocced or all mines and mining min-ing claims, shill be taxed a provided by law. Sec &. The Legislature shall not Impose Im-pose taxes Tor the purpose or any county, coun-ty, city, town, or other municipal cor-IHirntlon, cor-IHirntlon, but rnny, by lnvv, vest In the corporate authorities thereor, respectively, respec-tively, the power to assess and collect taxes ror all purpose or such coriwra-tlon. coriwra-tlon. Sec (1 An nccuinte statement or the receipts and expenditures or the public none) s shnll be published annually In such manner us Ihe Legislature ma) prov ldc Sec. 7. The late or taxation on propel prop-el ty, ror Stnte purposes, shall never exceed eight mill on each dollar or valuation, val-uation, and whenever the taxable property prop-erty within the Stnte shall nmount to two hundred million dollars, the rate shall not exceed five mills on each dollai or valuation, and whenever the taxable properly within the State shall amount to three hundred hun-dred million dollai s, the rate shnll never thcrearter exceed Tour mill on each dollar or valuation, unless n pro-osllloii pro-osllloii to Inciease such rate, specif) Ing the rate proposed, and the time during which the same shall be lev led, be first submitted to n vote or such or the qualified electors or the State a. In the year next preceding such election, shall have paid u property tax assessed to them within the State, and the majority major-ity of those voting thereon shall vote In favor thereof. In such manner a may be prov Ided by law-Sec law-Sec 8 The making of prollt out or public mone), or using the same feu any purpose not authorized by law, by an) public- olllcer, shall be deemed u felony, and shall Ik- punished ns provided pro-vided li) law, but part of such punish-ment punish-ment shall be disqualification to hold public olllce. Se-c. 9. No appropriation shall be made, or any expenditure authorized by the Legislature, whereby tho expen-dltuie expen-dltuie or the State, duilng any fiscal year, thnll exceed Ihe total tax then provided by law and applicable Tor such appropriation or exiiendlture, unless un-less the Legislature making such appropriation ap-propriation shall provide ror lev) lng n sufficient tnx, not exceeding the rates allowed III section seven or this article, to pay such appropriation or exiiendlture exiiendl-ture within such tlsrnl )enr Thl provision pro-vision shnll not apply to appropriations or expenditures to suppress Insurrections, Insurrec-tions, defend the Stale, or assist in defending de-fending the United States In time or wnr. Sec. 10 All corporations or ieisons in this State, or doing business herein, shall be subject to taxation ror State, county, school, municipal or other pur-Ixises, pur-Ixises, on the re'al nnd personal property proper-ty owned or used by them within the territorial limits or the authoilty levying levy-ing the tax. Sec. 11. Until otherwise provided by law, there shall be a Stale Hoard or Kqunllzatlon, consisting or the Governor, Govern-or, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Secretary Sec-retary or State and Attorney-Geneml; also. In each count) or this State, u County Hoard or Hqualtratlon, consisting consist-ing or the Hoard or County Commissioners Commis-sioners of said county. The duty of the State Hoard or Uqunllzatlon shall be to adjust and equalize the valuation or the real anil persona property nmong the several counties of the State. The duty of the County Hoard or nquallzatlon shall be to adjust and equalize the valuation or the real and personal propel ty within their lespec-tlvc lespec-tlvc counties. Lnch Hoard shnll also pei form such other duties as may he prescribed b) law Sec. 12. Nothing In this Constitution shall he cnnstiued lo prevent the leglslntuie leg-lslntuie from providing a stamp tux, or a tax based on Income occupation, licenses, franchises or mortgages Article XIV. l'l'HLIC DKHT Section 1 To me-t tnsuul deficits or fuliuies In revenue, nnd foi necessniy expendltmes for public purposes, Including In-cluding the erection of public buildings, and for the payment of nil Territorial Indebtedness nssuuvd by the Slate, the State may contract debts, not exceeding exceed-ing In the nggiegate at any one time tho sum of two bundled thousand dollars dol-lars over mid above the amount or thu Territorial Indebtedness assumed by the State. Hut when the suld Territorial Terri-torial Indebtedness shnlL have been paid, the State shall never contract any indebtedness, exrept ns In the next section sec-tion prov Pled, In excess or the sum or two hundred thousam dollars, and nil moneys arising from Jims herein authorized au-thorized shall be app! f 1 solely to the purpose-M Tor which tin we're obtnlned. Sec 2 The Stnte mi r contract debts to tepel Inviislun, supp Ihh Insurrection, or to defend tile Stnti In wnr, but the money arising from tie cnntrnctlnfj or such debts shall be ap lied solely to the purpose Tor which It vis obtained Sec 3 No debt ll exciss or the tnxes ror the current ;enr shall be ere-ate-d by any county or subdivision thereor, or by any sclnnl district therein, there-in, or by any city, to n or vlllaKe. or nny subdivision thereof, In this Stnte, unless the proposltloi to crvnte such debt shall have been lubmltted to a vote or such qualllltd electors as shall have paid a property tax therein, In the yenr preceding such election, and a majority ma-jority or those votlnK thereon shall have voted In favor nl IncurrlnB such debt Sec 4. When nuthrlzed to create Indebtedness us prov Med In section thre-e of this article, frio count) shall become Indebted to an uuiount. Including Includ-ing existing Indebtedness, exceedliiK two per centum. No city, town, school district or other municipal corporation shnll become Indebted to an amount, Including existing indebtedness, exceeding ex-ceeding four per ceiitiim of the value of the taxable prot-rty theieln, the value to be ascertained by the last ns-se-ssment for Stnte and county purposes pur-poses previous to Hip Incurring of such indebtedness: except Hint In Incnrpnr-nted Incnrpnr-nted cities tho assessment shnll bi token from the last assessment ror city purposes Provided. That no part or the Indebtedness illftwed In this section sec-tion shnll be Incum-d for other than strictly county, city, town or school district pin poxes J'lovlded Further, Thnt any city or liwn when nuthor-Ired nuthor-Ired as provided In section three of this article, may be allowed lo Incur a larfc'er Indebtedness, not exceedlnK four per centum nddltlnnnl for supplying such city or town with water artificial arti-ficial IlKht or sewers, when the works for supplying bucIi water IlKht and sen era shnll bo owned and controlled by the municipality. Sec B All mone)s borrowi d by or on behalf of the State or nny It unl subdivision sub-division thereof, shall be used snlel) for the purpose spe-cllled In the law authorizing au-thorizing the loan Sec. 0 The State shall not assume the debt, or any pait thereof of any county, city, town or school district Se-c 7. Nothing In this article shall be so construed ns to Impair or add to the obligation of any debt heretofore contracted. In accordance with the laws of Utah Territory, b any county, city, town or school district, or to prevent the contracting of any debt, or the Is-suing Is-suing of bonds therefor, In accordance with said laws, upon any proposition H for that purpose which, according to H said laws, inny hnve been submitted to B n vote or the qualified electors or any M county, city, town or school district be- M fore the day on which Hill Constltu- M tton taken effect H Article XV. H H Section 1 The mlllttn shall consist H of nil nbh-bodled male Inhabitants of H the State between the HKes of eighteen JB and forty-live yearn, except such ua uio M exempted by law H Sec 2. The l.eUlature shall prov Ide H by law for the on;anl7atlon, equipment B nnd discipline or the mllltln, which shall couroim ns nouly as practicable to the regulations for the government or the nrmles of the United States. JB-VJ Article XVI. jfl Section 1. The rights of inbor shall Vfl have Just protection through Inws cal- ciliated to promote the Industrial wel- H faie of the State. H Sec. 2. The Legislature shall pro- H vide by law ror a Hoard of Labor, Con- H dilation and Arbitration which shall jH fairly represent the Interests or both H cnpltal and labor. The Hoard shall per- H form duties and receive compensation as prescribed by law, VM Hte 3, The Legislature shall pro- H hlblt H (1) The employment or women, or of children under the age of 14 years, In underground mines, kBH (1) The contracting of convict labor. (3) The labor or convicts outside, BH prison grounds, except nn publlo works under the direct control or the State. BBV (4) The political and commercial BB contiol of employees. BBV Sec 4 The exchange of blacklists ABB by railroad companies, or other cor- BB IMiratlons, associations or persons Is ffAVJ prohibited A Sec r, The right or nctlou to re- ABB covi r damages ror Injuries resulting In death shall never be abrogated, and BH the nmount recovernble shall not bo ABB subject to nny stntutory limitation. BKBJ Sec fi Klghl hours shall constitute n day's work on all works or under- mBB takings carried nn or nlded by the ABB State, county or municipal govern- ABB tncnts; and the Legislature shall pass ABB laws to provide ror the health and flftBJ surety or employees In factories, smelters and mines. IABB Sec. 7. The Legislature by appro- M prlate legislation shall provide for the ABA enforcement of the provisions or this H I article. M |