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Show A Word of Criticism. Iletow will be fonnd an article signed "A Member of tho "Word." ThU article alludes lo certain remarks which wer ' made from tho public stand two we ), ago last Sunday, In this, as !'-ll)Cr wo tttlio no part, but as our colttr ,),,,' open to our subscribers wo hr ve'rtt. tho article space, Kditor llAKNER! Allow rJelgm(ltlo In your valuable par M t0 express my opln'on on tho serf J0I1 ,velI two weokg ago Sunday la 01,r Taliernaclc, byn Kciitlemen who prasttincd to bo posted on tho sociul milra of our city. In tho fb-nt ,,inco i tdinfc jt mpropcr for n mnn to assail another on account of his religious belief. In tlio 11th article of tho "Articles of l-'altli" of our church wo read; "W'o claim tho privilege of worshiping Almighty Clod according lo tho dictates of our conscience, nnd nllow all mon tho snmo privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. It h cowardly indeed to attack pcrBong not present. I bollovo thero aro good and bad among nil people In every denomination. It it n very dangorous thing lo cast reflections on any porson's character, and I doubt if tho gentleman could provo tho broad assertion ho made from tlio stand. I question tho motives, very much, of any person who will visit a gathering of young people, merely to sco what is "carrying on." Thero aro people, net belonging to our church, who go to our meetings for thu purpose of heating the principles of our f.ilth explained. Imagine then, their disgust to hear n sermon such as was given two weeks ago Bunday, when even tho young pcoplo of our faith hung their heads, nthumed to hear such vllo things talked of In church; I do not consider it a lit placo to talk )f iiurdors and outrages. out-rages. In conclusion lot mo offer a few lines from lSIthop Scott: "In spcaklug of another's faults l'ray don't foijct your own, ilcmomhsr those in houses glass Should never throw n atone. If wo have nothing clso to do Hut spoak of those who sin, T'is better wo commence at homo And from that place begin. We havo no right to judge a mnn Until lio's fairly tried, Should we not tlko ids company, Wo know tho world Is wide. Sonic may hnvo faults and who has not? The old sb well as well as young, Wo may perhaps for aught wo know, Havo fifty to their one." A Member ol the Ward. |