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Show .; Hnluiiilent Ktrby of tho BuHion., H llik n ports er)rylhlng movhig along H .it i.ficorlijr at that property. Thu to- H lil iipments for tho month of April BH w Ti- Jfi" carloiulsof ore or over 3,500 H ion which Is nu exceptional retold, H Tnu preseni month Is tfo starling out .iilly jls well and from tho nppeaianco ii. the) ore bodies In the initio shipments H .nil equal last month. Tho new thnK' friiiiilngjiiai hi no fnr tho carpenter shop arriv.d Wtdi.isdn) n d will bo set up nt once, uduclng lli In tor of framing H the large qtianiily of titfr' r necessary to H ii lnlntmtiiii H id P.lt I, ike men have bonded ii depuits in t ilnr Bnein, Ari 'on i R 8.HIO tub ilup i 'ii i D being mad H fro.ii the Usiri 'nine, t His Ltnmttigtoii I'unider.ibl. i1aei rmtnin( is r.por'(d H it i'li.igl.ain, m.d in many cases good H rciu Hare being obtained. Tl . Park lt cord Dunks thcro will be it it ut two ntw mills bnllt In that In tit. t the present pnibotl, onu IU tl,Q H nu'- Wei-t and one nt tho Morgan. Indlnu Crc.l. ili-tiict, -ilione tnlncs tno t:let ed from bad inanag ment is . lining lotlic fiom Hgnlu, thn ujh tho H vfiriiof Sup! I'm nmvoi tli, of tho Horn H Mher, and coneiilernble development H .i ot k is now under way. H Oro from tho nowost nnddeeptst H strike lu the Uitix is coining In and H jircstnts aneulirelydliTsreiitappcaraiica H 1 1 any ever before found in the mine It H iigny, highly rystailzed, sliows but H I tile copper and runs from live to elcion H oances gold and of which there Is an H unusually largo body. Descret Blade. H The Inst Issue of the Keystone, pul- liiheil nt Kolchum, Idaho, contained tho ' H f illowing item : "Jlr. Frank Whlu, one of the Istsees of tho Baltimore, informs H the Keystone that tho tunnel has bean driven In a distance of 300 feet. Mr. Wbllo says that tho tunnel will bo com- pleted about the 1st of May, whon they H w ill comuiBace to take out oro. An B extra force of mvu was put on last Bids for one hundred feet of tunnel on the Jim Crow No. 2 wore advertised dur lug tho wcOk, nil bids to bo submitted H up to and Including Saturday, but "fortune favors tho brnvc," and Sntur. day's work on tho property developed a J handiinnm bod y of ore Tho owners, J nhi are J. rnrlschcr, Mrs. J. McFnddeiii I). Meikle and 8upt. Cobeu, have con- H utuded to continuo nut prosecute work J by the shift and not by the contract ( tlio change having been brought about B nlout by devslopiuent. Tills ii an BBVJ (in port a nt ditcovtry, inasmuch as it Itxplodes the theory (hut the minetal bcltoxlciids to tho west as well ns In 9BpJ other cardinal directions.--Do Lamar M Lodo. K. S. Do Oolyer has purchastd tbo, BVJ (lattsclialk mtuo In Cr.lnvcrns county H California, nnd thinks that section Is H the greatest gold country in tho world. flKVJ TheTribuiio says: He Is not content H with one mine, however, and has closed BH a deal for the purchase ot thi'Doiinellan BftVJ This is an "open air" mine, tlio vein SAVJ lying up against tho grass roots, and jH from the surface down everything has H been milled for the past thirteen years. H A holu is now dow n a few feet deep, but H covering nn nioa of one-fifth ofun.icre, BBS and out of this liolo, wltli almost no ex- BKBJ pence for nilnlnr, several fortunes h-ive BBBj been taken. It U the intention of H Mr. Do (Jolycr to sink n shaft In tho soft H material of the ore vein, and so down for BBB the contract of the original lolo. H |