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Show AN EXPENSIVE iTOWrV1,-- Ulll Turlej'i Dliroiirmtlns Kiperleuce In l it Chicago Illaurnt. - ( UUl Turloy, of Envln Township, Ind., came WClilcngo on business, writos Kd 11. Trltchard In tho Arkansaw Traveler. BUI fancied ho know It all, and a thlnR or two besides, so ho swagtfcrcd around with bis pants In his boots and his hat on ono sido of his head, sworo at tho bus drivers, knocked over n couple of hotel runners at tho Union depot, and '"lowed Bhcecawgo wuzent so dad durned big at ho couldn't And anywheres ho wantod tcr go, by Jlng." So, with nn Impudent go-io-thundcr look liiThTs ejV SJ"1- rolling sland-hnji-., swaggor In Ids gait, ho mowed hl way along uanal street and past n long Uno of backmen, who, siilng him up as "no bloody K00d,"nllqwcd him to go unscathod. Ho turned east on Madison street, crossed tho bridge, and n fow inlnut" latar brousht upnt Clark; horo ho slopped, and, for mo Urstllmo, showed somo signs of doubt nnd uncosliiois. At longlh ho stopied up to a policeman, nnd, accosting, him, saldi "Hay, I want tcr go to a tavern or eomo placo whoro I kin git suthln'Jtor cat" ""JXIght across"tho street," nnsworedthe otilcer, roln.liilf with his club to a large building on which tho sign, "IlcsUurnnl Breakfast Now Bendy," was conspicuously displayed. Ourlloosler friend crossodover nn 1 entered. As ho sat down to tho table a waiter rushed up, poured out n glass of loo water, shoved a bl'l of furo under his noo, nnd hurrlrd away toperform a similar ofllco for nnolhcr patron who sat opposite. A mlnuto latt-r ho returned to Bill's chair nnd saldl MVell, sir, what will you liavel1' '"IVell," s:l Bill, slowly, "bring mo sonic stcaU'n' ouloni, hatn. and cn, baked U. ,tors,plato o loust 'n cr cup o' coffee.'' Tho waiter had lilm ronoat tho order, and then finding ho lud gotten It right, ho sailed iiwav to have It tilled. Twonty minutes later, during which tlmo Turloy had Kr 'wn not a littlo ildgoty and norvous, tho waiter appeared with an enormous enor-mous tray-lood of eatables First ho deposited de-posited on tho table u largo sirloin steak on a huge platter, Hanked by nn odorous rim of fried onions', then ho placed besldo It a liugo sllcoet bain and threo fried eggs, then A dish of bakod pouiooi, and, lastly, a plato of toast, steaming hot. Bill foil to work with an air of a man who meant business; while nil unconscious to himself bo was tho target of not a fnwln-qu.sltlvo fnwln-qu.sltlvo eyes, bo proceeded ta dispatch tnat breakfast In about tho time in which an ordinary man would havo disposed of a ham sandwich and n toothpick. Having finished bis meal ho shoved book from tho table, picked up his hat from Uia floor, whero ha had deposited It bosldo his chair, and mado his way to tho cashier's desk. Ho throw down a quarter nnd was passing on out when tho waiter cumo up an, plucking him by tho sloove, said t "You'vo forgotten your check, sir; horo It Is' plr asa pay tho ooshlor." "That's all right," said BUI, gruffly, "I'vo settled with lha cushlur, I gin him a quar-tor quar-tor Jess now." "But, my f rlond," expostulated tho wnltci "your check Is for two dollars. You don't expect to got a toed like that for u quarter, do Jul" "Two dollars'" cohocd Turloy In blank dismay, "I thought twenty-llvo cents n meal was tho prlco ovory where." "Not much It Isn't," returned tho waiter. "Bo you can Just walk up and sottlo and savo trouble." Bll saw ho was In for It, so ho walked up nnd paid llko a mnu. But as ha went out ho remarked: "Two dollars for bru'kfus nn' no great shakos of n meal nuthor. Woll, I kin o on chceso und crnckors an' covo OjStorstill tcr morrow; but, Iml, won't I maUo tho grub look sick when I git back to old Urn in I" Bill got back homo all right, but ho wonders yot how peoplo In Chicago mnnago to pay their board bills. |