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Show tallica intwlln nnd knit underwear now on sale nt Ohlpmau's. For ooil fancy ml atitplo grorcrles go an tho Feoplea Co-op. NuxlBalurdny nnd Huiulny is iiuartcr. ly conference nt I'rovo. FOR SAM'. Tho IMward Houthwlck ptoperty. Knipilroof A. J. Boulhwick, Kpriugvlllc.Utidi. l'ntronizo homo Industry nnd buy ItobiiiRoulUos. ohocB. Hold by I'cople'a Co-op. Made nt homo. The rcopou tho Ohlpmnn Mcr. Co. nronblo to anil goxln ao low la because they Ret their goods by the cnr. Hity, IIioho hlioen miulo by Uobluaon llroa. are juBtdandlcrt. Hold by I'eoplu'a Co-op, made nt homo. Tho tahl choir lina ngreed to go to tho content concert which ia to como oil' in Juno uuxt nt Hrollcld. Ox bioechea; buy tliom, weitr lliom nnd you will nlwnjH lo hnppy. Tliey are cheaper limn ovcrnlls. For anio by I'coplu'a Co-op. For farming ImpleiiientH of nil kinds bitrh wire, reihtr pjatH nnd overy thin,, modul by tho fitimer, goto I'coplu'a Co-op Inst, A. B. Auduraoii, delugittu to tho CoiiNtltutlomd Conventbii from Ileuvir, wnd here on Hundny visiting relatives. Ho la n strong advocate for woman's rights. taut Friday wnawlintla cnllolgood Fiidny. In Iho Old Country people celebrate) this day by eating hot cross buns, nnd quite n number of tho Old Country people kept up tho tenth al bore. Meeira Mowcll A 8mltli of Salt I.ako hnvo opened up n candy atoro on main atreot, this city, next door io Chnrlca Urown'a barber shop. Their candy la till homo mndu, look a very pretty nnd ia of nu excellent quality. , Hick hoadncho la tho biino of many Uvea; to cure rind piovont tills nnnoylng coiiijduint uso Dr. II. Mclean's I.lltlo l.lver and Kidney Fellcta, They aro agrci'flblo to lake nnd gentle in their action. Sold by T.J. Wndsworth. Parks' Hiiro Curu ia n poaitivu apecillc In nil diseases of thu Liver nnd Kidneys, lty removing tho uric acid in thu blood it cures Rheumatism. 6. It. Ilnsfoid, of Cnrtago, H. luko., sitya: "I believe l'arka' Sure Curu excels all other medicines medi-cines for Rheumatism nnd Urinary dia-.-dora," Hold by D. K. Hltliijdon Thero will be n mooting of tho Stockholders Stock-holders of the l'coplt'a Co-operntlyu Institution 011 Monday April 22ml at 'i p. in., In the Hank llnllding, for tho purpoao of electing Fiver T dlrectora to servo for thu mailing year and for transacting trans-acting of such oilier buslines as may properly comu lieforo tho meeting, W. K. Riicker, Hccy. Manager Cutler mid Hupt. tlrnngei look n trip on their wheels on Satuiday to I'iovo river where tliey p-U In 11 few houra fishing. They wciu very fciiice.B-ful fciiice.B-ful with their hooks and lines pulling tliu lish out iuilu lively until tliey had enough to supply their liauiug nppelitti nnd returned liomuwitli their load of speckle bn-ks. Hupt. W. I'. liackei of the IVopleV Co-op Inst aiijaho is well pleased lib llttt way their piitmua luku to thu new avatein of pay down for goods, nnd re-Dorls re-Dorls nu inciciuo of in per cent for the-nn the-nn nth of Miiich. 1 8tfi over the corresponding cor-responding mouth of 181) I. Tills apeaka well for both tliu people nnd tho Institution. Insti-tution. Taking into coml Icr.itiou the cheapnfsa of goods it virtually means tin increase- of 25 por cent over thu same months of Inst year. A reprotenliitltc of tho IHnnkk lud the plrntttiuTmtdny of. boing escorted through the innnnfactory belonging to Hewlett Uroe. at Hitlt taku. it is an immense concern nnd in support of euch nu Industry thepeopluof the west should sou to it that tliu llrui received their patronage. They mmiufitcttuo the Three Crown baking powder which la superior to nny cistern make. You, who betievu in supporting homo In-duslili's, In-duslili's, should uao thu Three Cioun cxelusivtly. It ia on sale at nil stores. Aak for it, buy It and accept 110 other. On M)mly night unito a number of friends and ncqunitnncea of (lee. K. Recac, jr. of this place g.ivx him naiirprifio nt hia resldemo. Mr. Rctae liaa been aleacher in the Habb.ilh school for tomo tlm past. llecainehoie from Halt 1iko Inst year luth the idea of milking I.ehl liia home. Hut business luia not turned out na uood for Ida trade 11s he expected, and ho has lUcided to return to his former home In Halt take. ' During Ida short Btay ho has m:ido many warm fiiends hero who have tho best of wishes lor him. |