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Show at ' ' .-- THF HIGimgT AVARD. Dr Prici a li.il.iup; lVwler liiceivxa It. I' h iqu Tnbuue I orkaiiiuir joi,kiepina;qunUtl8, purity mill BdiirNl cce)lli)liCC th World's 1 m jurj Uwidul that Tit I'lleo'st i. mi raking l'owilcr Iind 03 equal. Ui. uih J ta clultiif it na awmileil a nru i rise or it diploma. AH lliobflkin Auura enlereU tur piixis vvcie aiibj itul n inoa, exhaustive ejcaininati u, nml Uie nry vim the beat iquilipeil tu takc u desiiaiuu uf any ever got toitiilm Th ir vertllet was sup. portl bj lhoisliiuoiiy ol Ur. II. W. Will y, t lnefulirriiii.tof ftm Unitwl State Depariiuent of Agiitmlture nl WaahliiK ton. Ur. Wlle-v in an cxert ou fowl products mullhu highest authority on snih mattcruTii AmeiUn. Thla verdict i-ottlcs u ni( Oi Imtwl question aa to which ftinongjLQ mtiiy biking powder is the b( at. i |