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Show An Ordinance. An ordinance tiniendin,; sections Al, 1R7. 10-', 11X1, 107. 1IKI,-; 201, rj, 2C t. :UI,r.tll, W, iVii, mil adding n now notion lo b numbered 203, A , of the iclKil ,inllnunc. a of Ix-lil I'ltr. Whereas mi tho Till day of Match, A. I)., IR'.ll, tho (loveruor mid U'gl"!livo tistciiibly of Iho Territory of t'tnh.tn-iirtedu t'tnh.tn-iirtedu law wlteroby Hie ulliro of colrcctot of each Cily of lbs Third class was abolished and thu duties of said collector ciijniued ii.on tlio Treasurer of n.iitl Cities respectively Hkc I Therefore, Ilu It ordained by the Cily CjuiicII ol Ulil Cily, Tliat tin (vised ordlnnntvs of Ihi Citypas(d Div. If), l8'J3, be and sic hereby amended si follows, to-wit: In See. 64, let trikiug ant in the first lino thereof the word "Collc-etor" and Inserting in lien thoroof tho word "TreaBnrer " In section 187, by striking out tlio won! "shall" In tho fourth lino thereof, nnd inserting In lieu thereof tho words "Ii-required "Ii-required tiy law to " Thnt section 1IC of said revised ordinances is berth amended by striking out said section and substituting in lieu thereof Hi. fiillowiiv, to-wit: "Iinmidi.ilely afur iliecily council shall determine tlm rati pur cent of lha tuxes for lite rurrcnl year, thu recorder shall deliver said asaesHinent roll or n, correct copy of tin sams to tho city treasurer. Thcciti treasurer shall Immodiatcly thcrtaftct furnish to nrh tax payer, by mail postage paid, or by leaving nt 'lis residence or uoii.il plate of business, n notice of assessment which shall contain con-tain only n notico of the class and valuation of properly as llxcd by the assessor, mid tho timo and place ol nipclinu; of tho City Council to hem complaints of errors In assessment, such notico to bo given nt lenst flvcdayi-heforo flvcdayi-heforo such meeting ot tlio Cit Council " In section 100, by striktnu out In tho fourth nnd fifth lines the words ''Collector" and in tlio eleventh Hue of suld soctton by striking out tin word "Collector" and Inserting in lieu thereof in each place Iho woitl "Trensuror." In section 107, b striking out in tlio second lino thereof tlio word "Collector" mid Inicrliiig in lieu thereof tlio word "Treasurer, nnd by Inserting In tlio fourth lino thereol lictiteen Hid words, "taxpayer" nnd "or" tho following words, to-wit: "by mail postage paid." In section 1B0, by striking out in tho first line thereof the word "Collector" and by striking out In fifth lino thereof tho word "Collector" and' by striking out in thu seventh line thereof tho word "Collector" and by sttikiiigout in tho eighth lino thereol tlio word 'Collector" and by striking out in tho twelfth lino thereof Hie word "Collector" and inserting hi lieu thereof there-of In each Instance of snl.l striking out, respectively tbo word "Treasurer " In section 201, by strlklngout in tlio fourth line thereof tlio word "Collector" and Inserting in lieu thereof tho word 'Treasurer." In section 202, by striking strik-ing out In Iho first lino thereof the word "Collector" and by striking out in the eighth lino thereof the word "Collector" mil hy striking out In the fourteenth lino thereof tlio word "Collector" nnd hy striking out In thu eighteenth Hps thereof thu word "Collector" nnd by itrlklugout in tho twenty-second line thereof the word "Collector" and inserting in-serting in lieu thereof in each Instance of said striking out respectively the word "Treasurer." In section 20J, by striking out lu tho second line thereof tho woid "Colltctor" nnd inserting In lieu llieicol tho word "treasurer" and hy inserting In tho fifth lino thereof between tho words "report" and "to" tlio following words, to-wit: "of the collet tor of taxes." See 2. That said in bed ordinances tiro hciehy omciulid hy adding another section lietween sections 20,1 and 201, to I o numbered "203, A" as follows, to w,it : No net of any officer chaiged with the diitiesuf nsscssing or collecting tho taxis of ill's city slinll bo invalid for any li-rcguhirily, li-rcguhirily, not uffecliug the uicrilso just! t'of tho net, or lorn failu -e to do or complete nny act within Iho time re quired if it eit'.i be doueiitiil is done later without injuriously uffecliug substantial rights. Src !l. Section 314 of said revised ordinance! is hereby amended by sulking sulk-ing out in the tifth tine thereof tlio word 'collector" ami inserting in lieu thereof the word "Ircasuier." Sc, 340 is her-by her-by amended by striking out lit tlio third line thereof tlio word "collector" nnd inserting in lieu thereof tho word ''treasurer." Sec. 302 is hereby amend ed by striking out in the first lino thereof there-of tho word "collec'or" nnd Inserting In lien thereof thu word "treasurer " Si.c 1 That all ordinances or pails of ordinances in coulllet with said laws ol Utah Territory or this ordinnncc are hcieby repealed. Kkc Ii This orillnunco shall take effect upon its passage. Passed Muich 10th, 1805. Oley Kllingson. Mayer I, Mosinh Kviilm recorder in nii.l for Lchi City hereby certify that the foro-going foro-going is a full, truo and correct coi.ty of tin ordinance entitled "An ordinance amending sections 5 1, 187, 102, 100, IU7, 100, 201, 202, 203, 314, 340, 348, 352," and adding it new section to be numbered 203, A, of the teiised ordinances of Lehl City, as passed hy Iho City Council ' of I.c hi, March Wlh.lBW. SIosiaii Evans, Recorder, |