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Show l no Lttt: Thin?!, the Most Valuable. Compiirntlvcly lew iicopioBrit ,iem fclvcs ns Invenlorn, but fthnoet e cry body line liccn struck, nt one time or another, wllli Ith-ns thntsccmcl rnlctilutcl to reduce re-duce pome ot tlio little frictions of llfo. ITsnally mich Ideas nro disinleael wltli-ont wltli-ont further thought. "Why doc'l tl.o rnilrond company make 1(8 car window!) bo thht they can bo slid tip nnd doint without brmkliig tlio pnHSiiiigcrB' liitoV?" oxclalitji the traveler. "If I were running tho ro.ul I mouM mnVo them In mich n way." "W'hnt wns'tho mnn that inatl thm Mfleepan thinking ol?" irruinMci lh cook, "lio never had to work over u dove, or ho would hno known how it might to have lcii tlxcd." 'MliiiKuri collar btiUoBl" Rrowla tho mini wholihiU torWwikUM. "Ill wereln tin bunrva I'd aU bHoM thol wouldn't Blip ojit, or Weak oO, Or goiigoout tho Ixiik of my k." And thou tho nrlouii mitTarera for't nlxnit their grlovnnni and ln'uln to think of something c!j. Jf they would Nit down nt tho next couronloiit opportunity, oppor-tunity, put thtlr Moos nboutrarwindowi eaiirepnnii, nnd collar billions Into prne-tlciil prne-tlciil fthnpc, and lliu apply for patunts, I hoy might find IheumolvcH m IihIcuoii dcnlly wealthy as thoman wholuvented t'.io Iron imibrolla rlne, or lh 10 who pnlentcdthu fifteen puwJ. A TBUnlKU oiut. To Induce pcoplo to keep track ofthulr bright Ideim and seo what thrra Is In them, tho l'rcsH Claims Company has resolved to oftur a priio. To tho inioii whosubnillB to It tho Hlnipkst nnd most promising invention, from acommerclal ikiIiiI of view, tlio company will give twenty-live hundred dollars In cwli, In addition lo rofundlng the fees for securing tho patent. It will alsoiidvcrtlHelholnVentloiifreootchurgo Thlaoflcr is subject lo tho following conditions: Kcry comjictitor must obtain a patent foi his Invention tliroitli the iiinipany. Ho must first npply for a preliminary search, the cost of wlilrli will bo five dollars. Should this search show his Invention to bo nnpatontiible, he can withdraw without furthcrcxpciiBo Olhcnviso ho will bo expected to couir pleto his application and take out patent :n tho tegular way. Tno total expense, including Government and llt.r..nn fees, will bo Hcvcnly ilolUm. Kor this, whether ho secures tho prtw or not, the Inventor will hftvo n patent that ought to bo a vnluablo property to bUn. Tho prl,0 will lio awardcl by a Jury consisting of three reputable rollout attorneys of Washington. Inlondliig competitors should till out tim WIowJiik, blank, nnd forwunl it with their nppll- Ci,tl0": .. IBM. "I submit tho within iIoktIIhiiI Iiitimi-tion Iiitimi-tion In rt.mpetitlon for tho Tmlyv hiinilml Dollnr I'li'o offered by tlm Press ClalniB Company. |