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Show UNEARTHED ANCIhNT RELICS. Ilones and Weapons nt IHiinliil Iliilldcrs Disinterred In Kentucky. Whllo digging n well near Sand Spring, Ky,, recently a number of human hu-man bones wcro disinterred, ogother with a quantity of weapons, spearheads, spear-heads, arrows and axen of copper, obsidian and very good brass, tho axes cspecjally showing very fair workmanship. workman-ship. Tll boncn all bolougud to male skolotons, with tho exception of ono of tho best preserved, which was that of n woman, about whoto skull was bound a crown or Eort of dindoin of Ml- ver, set with nn opal cut with null!, and of extraordinary sUo and luster. From thu appearanco of these, remains, saya the Phlladclphln TImos, It is probable, that tills was an ancient buttle but-tle ground on which the blaln were buried at they fell. Local urchaioln-gists, urchaioln-gists, who havo ovamluod thu bkulls, declare that they are not those of Indians, In-dians, bnf'of a pooplo of superior Intelligence In-telligence Soma of the skeletons nro seven feet In height, ono measuring eight foet four Inches. This lattcr's breatt-bouo is shattered by a copper knife which was Btlll ticking In tho suverod bono. The prcsenco of tho woman's, remnlnn is not to bo accounted for, except that iho may hnvo been l!io queen of tho tribe, and In person Ud her host to battle, bat-tle, sharing tholr lot nnd being Interred In-terred with them. Amos, r the relics Is a lamp provided with a w lelc which has burdened almost to a stone, and on tho body of which imj-.s a curious inscription in-scription cut into the linibv The loitering loi-tering resembles lint of Egyptian monuments. There Is als.i au e'ugrnv. lngou It of nn insoct'strainrly lileo the senraboi of that country A nolher ro-mln-'sr.of ancient history i. f mini in thi fact that ono of tho .' . ! .., ims seized another by tho Ii el .md hlu teoth aro still to be h.ai i! I in jt, crunching tho bone In lilsgi , ,, Vhat theiopaoplo were tdenticul iiii t!iU mound bulldors is moro than iro'4blo, for It is known that that vnlahc ! race wns particularly numeroiw alwut h- ro. |