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Show WHAT VANDCRDILT LIKED. The Doushnuts and Indian I'mldlnzs Ilo Had Cooked for Hint In Newport. Down In Newport the other day tlni hnccdoto of the late Wllllnm K. Van-derbllt Van-derbllt was told: "Tlio husband of a Woman, who for ina-iy years nntinulit nclpod the hou W-ej it at tho Vntid. built summer house paek tho g. .' which it was intomUd to tako bnik to tho winter home, said ho went down to tho Vnnderbilt pi nee to meet his wife . ono day, and na ho was coming am i., Mr. Vandcrbilt came out on tho latv. and stopped him. saying:. Do )m know v.'hcro 1 can get a good cook foi four weeks? I nm going to stay here mouth longer, nnd tho cook Is going lr leave to-morrow. Can't you get mo ono?' "I said I didn't know. I would try, and then Mr Vnnderbilt Bald: 'I don't want any French, fnnclOed cook. 1'n going to bo here almost by myself, nut1 1 want ono who can mak" .!.l-fahione thlugs. I've been just longing foi some Indian puddln?, so:.- doughnut and cheese, ami toino li. u 1 reail.' I knew whoro IIhto v n . i 1 I cook, u i although she had pa n mi I 'io buhim I got her tu f" f"r ' i ' -"Hi. (. sni.l she yoloiloia t i . . il d t-' t i thlnus. Ouoi1' -,!.' ''Mi, Mv. V.i Jerbilt sent t'.i' hi i . r i..t i.i, t i, ho said: 'Ho y u i nov. 1 w to mak loiiglinuu," . . " Li l i 1. 1 J. ui. then ho mut bo ...i . .iuld havi sou.o sjiIi n, Iu ..i .1 .vi... . 13 Hi. i u loon ho j.-i'.l be v.uu'..'. a i i.'.i. fashioned Indian pudding, with tliu amber-colored jolly nil round tho oil' side of it Ho lined to i.ivlto othn elderly men to coma to aiuo with lib nnd would praUo it all, and ask them It didn't mako tlicm llilnl; uf old Urn "Said tho New port man: 'Ouo du met Mr. Vandcrb It niral'i, Just a ' was about to leave for Ni . Yi.rlt 1 tho winter, and ho enM: Tin mi . obllgeil to you fora'iidlngnietli'itioii' I havo had a good t'ms. I've h vd t'i best things to cat that 1 lmvo Known i. many a vear.'" X. V. Advertiser. |