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Show Sugar Heels. We clip tlie following notes fiom tlio CVii'iio Cliampian: Aa'w-e announced hrlully last week, tho sugar factory will this spring be enlarged to an estimated capacity of SOU to 1000 tons of beets n day. Tho factory hns heretofore in actual work nveraged from 100 to 200 tons more, jier day than the estimated capacity, so that wu.nayot-pect wu.nayot-pect it to hnndlo during tho next campaign cam-paign fully 1000 tons of boots every day. The product from between IIOOO and 10,-000 10,-000 acrns will bo worked up, nnd wo will havo without equivocation ono of tho largest manufacturing cstaulUhuicntH in California hcront Cliino. Nearly nil the land U now plowed nnd in good condition, tho rainfall of the first part of tho winter having been so propitious that tho fariuors were enabled en-abled to get thin workdono unusually early. The ilrsr planting of beets for tlie senson wns done on Monday by Asa Kimble. A. J. Young planted n Held on Wednesday, and planting will continue con-tinue steadily from now on, although It will probably bo two or three weeks bo-fore bo-fore planting will bo in full swing. Tlie ground is still rather cold fur the teed to gitrmlnato strongly. A heavy lain is needed to soak thu gujuud, and miy yet bo expected. Tlio buildlim of n sugar factory nt Anaheim has been finally Rbaudonod, so far ns this senson is concerned. Tlio failure Is duo to Inability to secure tho necessary funds in time, on account I largely ( the condition of legislation, Three thousand acres are already contracted con-tracted for there is to be worked at I he factory Iioip, nnd Anaheim parties Imvo this week requested a contract for another thousand acre.. |