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Show AN ORDINAncIL An Ordinance mnklngn readjustment of the salaries of tho Mayor and otl rr officers of LoM City. ' Section 1 Ho It ordained by tho City Council of I-chl Cltyjhat tho Mayoi shall receive nnd bo pakt a compensation of Ono Hundred Dotlnr per year payable lu quarterly InstallmentsotTwenty Five Dollars per quarter on' tho last day of each nnd every qtiarton Section 2. That tho Councilmeii shall receive a compensation. of Forty Dollars per year pnyablo In quarterly Installments Install-ments ot Ten Dollars ""pcr quarter on the Inst of each and every quarter and One Dollar per session additional for committee -work. v Section 3. That tho City Recorder shall rccclvo n compensation of One Hundred Dollars per yenr payable in quarterly Installments of Twentv Five Dollars per quarter on the last day of each nnd ovcry quarter. ( Section 4. That the City Treasurer shall receive n compensation Of Kighty Dollars per yenr pnyablo In quarterly Installments of Twenty 'J)oli.irM per quarter on the last day of cnehaiulccrj quarter. J i Suction 0. That tho Supervisor of Streets shall rccclvo n compeimition of Ono Hundred and Ten poll art) per year payable In quarterly 'nstullwents ns follows vlr.: First quarter Fifteen Dollars, second quarter Fifteen Dollars, tldid qtinrtcr Twenty ( hollars, forth quarter Sixty Dollars on tneh nnd ovcry quarter. l Section 0. That the City- Maishal shall rccclvo n compensation of Seven Hundred nnd Twenty Dollars per year payable in equal monthly installments of Sixty Dollars on tlio last dnjl of each nnd every month. . Section 7. Thut the City Justice of tlio Fence shall receive n compensation of One Hundred nnd Sixty Dollars per yenr pnyablo In equal monthly Installments Install-ments of Thirteen Dollnis 33 'cents on tho last day of each and every month. Section 8. That tho City Collector shall receivo n compensation, of One Hundred and Twenty FIvo Dollars pi r yenr on tho 31st day of December id each 3'ear. j A? Section 0. Thai theClty teuton tlinll receive n..coiniihJtvof JUfi sfTcrnfi11 "per yenr pnyablo In equal narterly eiistnllmcnl of Twelve nud .130 DollaiH on tho last day of caeli nud every quarter and ii addition shall bo entitled to fees. SitcrioN 10. That tlio following officers shall receive ns compcnsnlioii viz: City Attorney Fees. Sealer of weights nnd mensuros l'eos. Inspector of Buildings Foes Found Keeper One-half Fees Provision Inspector, such compensation compensa-tion ns tho City Council may deem Juht for services actually rendorcd. Quuranttno Thyslclnn, such compensation compen-sation ns tho City Council nmv deem Just for services nctunlly tendered. Tollccmnn, nt tlierntoof 115.00 pei month whilo nctunlly on dutyi Board of Health, such couiensntion ns tho City Council may doem just for Bcrvtcci actually rendered. Dog Tax Collector bo allowed 60 cents on each dog taxed. Section II That all ordinances and ports of ordinances in conflict w ith this ordinance should bo nnd are hereby repealod. f Olkv Kt.MNnsiw. Mavor. Tossed Feb. 20, 1804. i I, Moslah livans, City Recorder hereby here-by certify the nbovo to be truinnd correct cor-rect us passed by tho city councHjFeb, 20 1804. Mosiaii Evans, 'Recorder. Ry Ole Elllnesott, Deputy. |