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Show AMERICAN COLLEGES. VThy lliey Uavo Had an tJnnatnrally'Hc-cro tJnnatnrally'Hc-cro Ktruffslo for i:Utrnr9. The American college of tlio middle of this century, like Its English original, orig-inal, osl'txl for tho work of tlio church If tho collego dies tho chnrell dies, was tho basin of Itn appeal for money inllu-eueo. inllu-eueo. Its duty was to, form a class of edifnted men In whoso hand should, lie tho preservation of tho' creed. In the mouths of ignnrnnt men tho truths of tho church would bo clouded. Ea!h wise church would boo that Its wisdom bo not marred by human folly. The needs of ono church Indicated the needs of others. Bo it came nbout that each of tlio many organizations called churche 111 America established Its Col-IcRon Col-IcRon here nnd thcro nbout tho country, all bus" .in tho catnu gonohil plan. And as the llttlo towns on tho rivers nnd prairies (.jrew with the progress of tint country in to largo cities, so It wan thought, by nomo mysterious vlrtuj of Inunr.l n.-ipansliin, thoBO llttlo school 'i tine would rrnv to bo front nnlvo.- ' tins. And in this nptlmlstlo spirit the future wns forestalled und tho schools were enlled unlversltlca from tho begin-nine-. As tlmo wcnlon It appeared Hint iv university could not be mailo without money, nnd tho sourco of money must ho oitLiMfl tho schools. And. Ro has en-suol en-suol a longstrugglo between the American Amer-ican collego and tho wolf ut tho door-1 a tortious, belittling conflict, which has done mui'h to lower tho namo and dlgr-titty dlgr-titty of higher education. To thlscditentlotinl planting without watering, repeated again nurl again, ess nnd west, noith find south, must bo un-rlbed tlio unnaturally revero btrur;-gin btrur;-gin forp.xhtenco through which our colleges col-leges linvo been forroil to pass, tho poor work, low nnlnrli", nnd humiliating oconnmlco of tho American collego pro-fMhor, pro-fMhor, I he natural end of whom, according accord-ing to Dr. Holmes, "Is stnrvntlon." David Starr Jordan, In Popular Science Monthly. |