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Show H The Timei-lkmotrat of New Orleans M a etaunch Democratic organ, comcx out M in unciinhocnl terms denouncing the J sugar clftUBo of tin AViltott bill nnd.tho g policy that conceived it, nnd urge H I-oulnInna'n rcprteentativcn In Ixilh H brnnchcB ( Congress "to vote drat, last H nnd all the time ngnliiBt.tlio Wilton bill H vltli tho sugar kIihUiIo in its present H linjie.to lire nil (! rlr inlluvnco todtfent H it as It stnnil-, mil to hold mil, In the H interctt of cuimih n jmtlco, for the con- 1 tract, the wholu contract nnd nothing H but the contract," |