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Show Any slioc that has not a hole in it ami bo made waterpi oof by n compound of beeswax nnd invito suit. Melt tho two together !n.cpial quiwiti(lcs and apply to the leather while hottaVlng caro to tin-oluttho tin-oluttho seams nud'soles better than the uppers. Tho leather, will Iw kept soft und will wear much longer. Niels Johnson ofitho First A ard w 111 represent tho UtalfSngarCo. In contracting contrac-ting for beets in Provo, during the prcs-nt prcs-nt year. Provo vvTll bo glvou 200 acies. A. B. Harris, ISV. Brown, Charles Karl, nnd o'.horn lofijor Jordan Narrows this morning plypnred to locale any mlnoral they mftfltfnft. This now dis-covery dis-covery ti iu the wtnlly organized dis- |