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Show H deferring to.n ropent of the bounty on B sugar, tho Vandicator, imbllshcd in tho M tugar district of Ixmieinun, g.iya; "If H tbislsnlintls termediilncteenthccntury H Democrncy, this country mndo surlmts m mlstako when it failed to kill tho prln- M clplcs of tiint j.arty deader titan daiiMia m tlonatthe ballot box last election. If H ilL Pci'lo aro reduced to beggary nnd H t'lrcntcrpriBcsslittighterodbythohntid H that should protect them, for tho boneIt H of any pcoplo of n foreign tuition, then H Amcricn hnsno more uso for such things. H The question is no longorouo of party H lirlneiple, but involves tho welfare our H country in Its onmiid jnarcli to distruc- |