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Show Lelil Lodge No 8. As announced last week tho public meeting was held at the lodge room on Fiiduy night. For various reasonssomo on tho program could not take part but tliceo who responded did well. Olo Elllngsoti gave a short address. Mrs. Goodwin sang n very niro son 111 n pleasing manner. Mosiah Evans read n se'ection. Tho principal speech of tlio oviilng was given by Mr. Stone. IIo; giwo the history of tho order with its many fraternal nud social benefits, nnd explained fully the benefliiary sjstem by which tho widows util orphans of de eased inert! bora woru cured for. Master Workman Goodwin gavo the cloning speech. They Intend having n number of entertainments thU wlutcr. |