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Show A LOVELY -.l-. j y Pretty loans Lady". Articles Worried uu Tilltor. . , ' t- Knterfng tho doer Ttf- an cdltorldr friend's den tho other day I narrtJnly avoided collision w' h a y ipg woman, who was just eniergiug front ait Interview Inter-view with tho autocrat within. 1 ttni a staid, respectable, nmri led man, and. therefore, not privileged to fool sympathy sympa-thy for young women who huvo interviews inter-views with that dreadeU'Of-yoiuig-woraitu-asplrants-for-famo person, iho editor. Hut tlio fact remains that my heart docs go out to them, nttd If tiny are pcrsonaHj" prepofcesslng they am quite certain to enlist uty entire tj i5-patliy. i5-patliy. Tills ono was very prutty. My friend the editor held out to mo throe or four delightfully neat MsS , with: "Will you tell mo why it Is that young writers, especially young women, wom-en, and, at that, girls, who navor hud a earn In tho world, and who don't know what real troublo is, persl-t iu writing such morbid traBh ns that? I wish they wouldn't. Wo bco enough about the really sad aldo of human existence In tho uowa eolumns every day. Why on earth should wo dolugo tho readers of our Sunday rtancr with this crew some rot?" My friend tlio editor but voices tlio sentiments of all his kind in regard to this matter. My dear girls, in tho first place, you have no business to write-that write-that is, If you are doing it for fame and fortune, for thcro aro several thousand peoplo ahead of you In tho Ktrupgl who will never, at least whllo thoy live, achieve cither cud. In tlio second place, if you will write, in tho numo of suffering, rot-ridden humanity, hu-manity, writo somethlngthut wlllinaka readers feel brighter for having oad it Theso swoct littlo "Pastels in Prosi and "Rtchlngs," and that bort of thing, aro all very well In their way which is n sadly slushy way, and painful to peoplo who havo to road thone tilings Uolford Monthlv. . . " |