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Show Washington Letter. (From our Regular CorrctpouJtnt) Ho who laughs last laughs best", is certainly true of tho present situation In the Senate. What appeared to almost al-most everybody an Impossibility a week ago the unconditional repeal of the purchasing clause, of the Sherman sliver law is now apparently as good as accomplished. ac-complished. President Cleveland is cieditcd with having Individually biought about this radical change, but tho cold facts in the caso will hardly bear that construction. It U admitted that the change was brought about by the announcement of the silver leaders that they would no longer use obstruc-tho obstruc-tho tactics to prevent the taking of a vote. Why did they make that announcement? an-nouncement? Letono of them Senator Dubois answer that question: "Wo prefer unconditional ropeal to any compromise com-promise that we could get, either from the democratic repealers or the republican republi-can repealers. If we had accepted compromise and the expected good times have failed to follow its adoption the people at large would haT saddled tho blatnu upon the silver men. Now if they do not come the people will see that it was not the slfver law that made hard times." |