Show WELL PEOPLE TOO wise doctor gives to con vale scents A wise doctor tries to give nature its best chance by saving the little strength of the already exhausted patient and building up wasted energy with simple but powerful nourishment r five years ago writes a doctor 1 I commenced to use ln ali my own family enste instead ad of coffee its a n well known cnown fact that tea Is just as injurious as coffee because it contains caffeine the same drug found in coffee 1 I was so well pleased with the results that I 1 had two grocers place it in stock guaranteeing its sale 1 I then commenced commence a to recommend it to my patients in place jbf bf coffee as a nutritious beverage th tho the o consequence is every store in town is now selling it as it has become a household necessity tn in many homes im sure I 1 prescribe as often as any ono one remedy in the materia medlia alexica in almost every case of indigestion and nervousness I 1 treat trea t and with the best results when I 1 once introduce it into a family it is quite sure to remain I 1 shall continue to use it and prescribe win families where I 1 practice in convalesce convalescence from pneumonia typhoid fever and other cases I 1 give it as a liquid vasily easily absorbed diet you may use my letter as aa a reference any way vay you see fit name given by kosturn co battle creek mich read the road to Well bellville wellville ville la in pigs theres a reason 1 nver read lead the above letter A new one appears from time to time they thel anre ge 10 true and full of human |