Show THOUSAND BODIES ON WAR IN NICARAGUA NO COMIC OPERA AFFAIR BOTH SIDES LOSING HEAVILY no effort has been made to of bodies of those killed in the bombardment of managua and they remain on field washington revolution is spreading in nicaragua health conditions about managua the capital are arc dis als ng according to state department rt reports from american 1111 minister nister weitzel Welt zel no effort has been made to dispose of bodies of those killed in the bombardment bar dment of the city the minister reports 1000 bodies in the fields ChIn chinandega andega has ben been attacked attached by the rebels and an attack upon corinto Corl nto the principal 13 feared telegraph communication between managua and corleto la Is interrupted alena the rebel leader has received large quantities of supplies sup cup plies and shows indications of getting financial backing the presence of blue jackets from the gunboat Arina polls reinforced by marines from panama has restored confidence among the foreigners in tile the city the minister reports |