Show BUS ILINE LINE PERMIT 1 TO KANAB SOUGHT deag 0 SR G W V declares service would aid southern thern utah uta application was made thursday by tha ithe rio orande grande motorways Motor ways inc inca subsidiary of at tho the denver dener rio illo binde western railroad to the public utilities com commission to be given I 1 permission to extend its bus line 6 from Mary avale to kauha annab li it la planned 0 give a le 16 hour hour passenger enger r I 1 service between salt take lake and ami daliah kanab which Is severah hours quicker than the present mall mail service and will be the first brat passenger service to be offered this part dart ot of the country under fixed fixed rates and schedules victor de Me passenger agent entla in charge i of the present bus line said thursday it la is my opinion that this proposed bus bua service will mean jut as much to southern stati as though the railroad acro ere to extend its rama rails to the arizona border mr demerschman said bald our company has baa already spent id 16 equipment tor for the salt latee lake Mary mari avale run and it stands elands ready to double diuble and redouble that expenditure as conditions warrent 11 he bo added tile the official called attention to the pecullar pe culler condition of the country in and said bald that a bus una line can give elva better and quicker service in this s region than a railroad also intimated the intention i of the company ultimately Is to oper rh passenger ate pas service to bryce zion ina pralle Pral ld I 1 canao n national parks parka Passa passengers ii and express will leave salt lak in the morning and arrive in kanab the is econe ameday day tho the agent sa bald id it will vill bo be the opening ot of anew era for or southern Bou thorn utah DeMer Da demerschman said despret des cret nowa news |