Show TALKIE A SUCCESS the first talking picture ever played playe la in Pan gultch aks wag shown to a packed house bouse saturday february 18 by od 0 4 E delff ati at the hub theatre the talkie ls la a success n every aeise oc the word hav having trig a clear loud tone lone which boose who have heard board the in fa the larger theatres theartres the atres s say ay that the one 1 installed by mr if 1 as good us any of 0 them the theatre going public of Pan gultch are very fortunate fortuna toJu in hav ing the opportunity ot of hearing such subh a splendid talkie ina in a city of this elio alae mr air has many tine fine shown booked for the future and we elii shi cero cere ly hope that they receive the patronage they justly ile deserve serve read mr ad la in another part ot of this paper and sea what he has to piter otter in the way 0 coming attractions from hartield county no new |