Show SCOUTS PILL FILL CITY OFFICES IN APPROVED STYLE bright and early saturday morning moraine the boy scouts of 0 ran Pan gultch guitell were at their posts having taken the cath catli of office the tha night before ready to take tahe over and run tho the affairs ot of the city which they lid did in th most approved that night maii manner iier until 12 all of tile the officers were keenly alive to their duties demonstrating to tile the public that they thay vero ore thoroughly familiar laws lawa as aa they should ax with the bei administered violations on that day ranged from the wrong parking ot of cars passing up top signs sign to sin oking on the public streets while under the ago limit the boys were antho on tho job every minute except in one or two instances when tho the officers forgot that it was necessary to have witnesses in order to prosecute tile tho violators and collect the lines ilo however wever the boys wore rich irich in experience it not in finances at tile tho end ot of tho the day os as it gave them a knowledge ot of and instilled in their hearts a respect lor for the laws law ot of our country which should be ot at great bon to then them through life scout out commissioner J JL 0 jones jonea and his assin assistants tants ara ani to be highly commended for or tho the work they are doing along this line and should receive tho the hearty cooperation ot of every parent in rons arora county newt |