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Show UTAIS ASKED TO PLEDGE59,000,000 This Amount of War Savings Stamps Must Be Secured by June 28. House to House Canvass Being Made by Members of War Savings Societies to Pave Way for All the People of Utah to Participate In Campaign. , "Somewhere In France" today, your boy Is fighting to save the world from tyranny of , the savage and bestial i Hun. Somewhere in America on- J other boy is In training so that he can ' relieve und reinforce the army of men "over there." Somewhere on the high seas your boy is on a transport being convoyed by your other boy on a war ship to aid those who are" in France. In America today a great army of men and women are making a canvass can-vass of American homes, American business houses, American corpora-! tions, individual Americans, presenting j pledge cards which you are asked to sign agreeing to buy at stated periods during the remainder of tills year War Savings Stamps to buck the boys who responded to the call to the colors and who are giving up all to bring about the freedom of the world. War Savings Stamps are for you n't well as for your children. Utah Is asked to buy or pledge to buy ?9,000,(X0 of them. It is nsked to do this by the 28th Inst., which date has beew proclaimed pro-claimed as National War Savings Day, when every American citizen will be summoned and asked to show his patriotism pat-riotism by signing this pledge, that he will buy, or agree to buy, War Suv-ings Suv-ings Stamps at some fixed date during every month of the year. It Is his patriotic duty to do so. Meanwhile a house to house canvass Is being made by members of War Savings Sav-ings Societies, presenting the plan of the government In the War Savings !?Ha nip move, presenting you pledge cards and asking you to sign them. These canvassers have been directed to ask for pledges for the largest amount possible, proportionate to the pledgee's ability In accoi'd with Instructions In-structions from the National War Savings Sav-ings Commission. It will require the purchase, or pledges to purchase, of many $1,000 subscriptions which is the maximum amount that can be purchased by any single persons; but you can buy that many for every member of your fain-" ily and if It Is possible you should d so. Bring out the money that you hnv put away for a rainy day, Invest It In War Savings Stamps, the best In vestment ever offered you by the gov ernment. Every one that you buy, or agree to buy, helps your boy and your neighbor's boy, the lads in khaki .win have made many sacrifices for you and who will continue to mrke them. It is up to you to make sacrifices for them. They are giving their lives freely free-ly for you. You should, therefore, lent your money just as freely to kee; them. I'.e ready to go the limit. Sign the pledge card and make this pkulgi for the largest amount that you can Sneritiee If necessary, but sign the ' pledge card. |