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Show STRIKE IS MADE III DOIDEII EHA Assays Ae Reported to Run .High .as S0 in Lead. and Sliver jOeorge F. Busch, president of (the G!den Emjna i.MinJnf Company jind I for a long ,time connected with the I Tlntic Standard, lias one to Nevada I to make an examination of some proj- I ertles In (Lincoln County.. In which ho 1 is laferested -end which .are located a I few .miles from the famous Groom J mine, near Jndlan Springs. Mr. .1 Busch and associates have .lately taken! . over Ihe GoWen Emma group of claims in the Dugway district and ac- I ,tive development work has been start-fd start-fd on that property under air. Uusch's supervision. "I believe implicitly In the .future of tie Dugvr.ay district." said ilr, liusch before his departure. "For tbfc past few years It has been entirely overlooked over-looked owing to the fact that it Is off the railroad, as well as the fact that the price of jead and topper would not permit shipments to ie made to the railroad. Now, however, that a smelter smel-ter is in the course of promotion and erection and with the prevailing high prices of both copper and lead, there is nothing that stands In the way of making mak-ing the Lugway district one of the lw?Ht mining camps In the ?tate.. "I have had a wide experience In ihe mining game and have examined practically every mining district in I the state. In my opinion there is not a camp in I'tah, if in the entire west, that has the remarkable surface min eralization with the high values that Is to be found in the Dugway district. There were sliipptd in tht early d.tye from the Buckhorn mine, whose prop erties adjoin those of the Golden Emma, cars of high grade ore that ran in some instances over $1000 a ton, and these ores were shipped when about the only values that counted were gold and silver. "On the thirty claims of the Golden Emma we have what we believe to be the continuation of the fissures from which this ore was shipped. We have already encountered u two-foot body of ore at a depth of 38 feet. Assays from this strike ran 46.3 per cent lead nnd 11.2 ounces in silver, or better than $60 ore. "From my own experience of over ten years with the Tintic Standard. ) firmly believe that the mineralization and the possibilities of the Golden Emma properties are as great, if not greater, than was the Tintic Standard at the same stage of development. ' fr. Busch expects to return to Salt j Lake Tuesday morning, in order to make a visit of inspection of the new ' strike at the Golden Kmma. |