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Show ' ' ' ' ' V ..... .' . v ; PAGE EIGHT. , THE PftESS-BUtLETl- I , . CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUseForOver30Yars y jlway bears t m ignature of WANT ADS j FOR SALE 1-- in Freeman Gulch;.; good location, nurtly graded. Apply to Jay (Mitchell at Bingham More. BEET HAND FOR SALE A fine tract of 80 acres of rich beet land in Millard county, near Delta, for sale at $60 an acre. 12 acres in alfalfa, a small house, flowing well and 60 acres can be put in crop this year. 80 shares of water stock. Land is close to beet dump, a store and school house. Good location, land productive and this tract la a bargain. AddresB Clark, Box 275, Provo. tf MINING LOCATION NOTICES for alb at the iPress-Bulleti- office. tf , : FOR fiiAUB (At a bargain in Ameri can Fork, house; pressed red brick. " ' All modern. One block south of Tab ernacle. 1 3-- 4 acres all kinds of fruit, fine place for chickens. Apply Martin, Jeweler. ' FOR 9AJJE Automobile. A new " Maxwell Roadster with Goodyear er tread tires. In fine condition. A bargain. Dr. G. W. Richards, Cop- - HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN Owner will sell & 6x12 rod building lot in Provo City, with some improve-- . ments, consisting of a good cement cellar and fruit trees, for $300.00 If - taken within the next three days. located one block off Main street. Address H., care Provo Herald. Provo. FOR &AILE5 OCR TRADE Two cars, Oakland' 8, on easy payments, or will trade for town propertyA Inquire at the Butte. FOR SAlLE Rooming house. Mrs. J. C. Butler tf , - g-5-g3i " - --gg-- - If ' New Arrnvalls : in our I ;- - 1 ' Baby Buggies a We have just received a big line of Baby Carriages ana Go-Cart- s. You will be sure to find one to suit you in our big selection. Go-Car- ts $4.00 to $10.50 Baby Carriages $10.00 to $18.50 . MmmmmsssssaBBsssamm I You will soon need a good refrigerator. We have the Alaska and North Pole. ' I None better. Prices reasonable. Wall Paper and Paints ; Spring cleaning is now in full force. You will need Wall Paper, Paints and Oils. We can supply you and our prices are right. We carry Acme Paints and Oils, also automo-bile enamels, polishes, etc. We have a complete line of floor coverings and linoleums EMglkainni MerCo Coo The Big Store :t C. E. ADDERLEY, Mgr. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent. 480 main. FOR SAILS Player Piano (like new) with choice selection of rolls and bench. Complete, cost $675 will take v " $425, $100 paynont down and $10 per . , month Apply 6 Car Fork, upstairs. DB.P.S. HAGEMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON t Bingham Canyon, Utah. Office: Above Woodring's Drug Store. Residence; Eckman Aparmtents. Telephone 35. Office hours: 3; 7-- I BIDS WANTED .. - . - Bids for sprinkling the streets . for the season of 1&18 will be re- - ' celved by vh town board until 4 : 8:30 p. m. on April 10. Bidders will pleane submit figures for day's work and monthly work. F. W. QVINN, . Town Clerk. Limbeck Says: " If he makes you the I first suit you willA come back and let 1 him make the other j one. I Lubeck s Suits Always Have the "Pep" LSSI,K.uMm mjua, , 1 ' iwiium i m 4- UTAH STATE llffi trough the .recent voting of bonds,, ito the amount of $l,fK),00u, by thej Pahvant Irrigation district, agriculture j in the Fillmore district Is in for a big boom. ' j , Negotiations ore under way for es-- i tablishlng a large coal yard In Ogden, with sufficient storage capacity to take care of Ogden's needs during the winter. As an indication of the earnestness with which the people (if Utuh are en- - gating in the poultry business, the ar--1 rival at Ogden of 30.00O day-ol- d chicks i Is mentioned. The shipment of chicks cuine from Culiforuiu. j Fred D. .Colter, colored, urrented In. Ogden and taken to Salt Lake to an-- j swer to a charge of burglary, will be j returned to Ogden by the Suit Lake authorities to stand trial, for having liquor in his possession. Imprisonment for one year In the county Jail was the sentence imposed last week on Jedediuh WoodunL con-victed of involuntary manslaughter, for the kllllngof his son Alfred Wood-ar-at halt Lake, May 2, 1917. Some of the restuurunt men of Og-de- n have determined to test the va-lidity of the law which eliminates screened booths from their plucea, while others have decided to meet the requirements of the new ineusure. A second increment to the second national army, under the selective service act, will go to Camp Lewis, Wash., In the five-da- y period beginning April 26, according to a message re-ceived at the office of the governor. All world s records for prices for a carload of fat sheep were broken ut the auction sale of prize stock held at the Fat Stock show of the Intermountaln Live Stock Show association at Suit Lake lust week, 42 cents a pound being paid. . ' . A masked banult entered a garnge at Salt Lake Sunday morning, and at the point of a revolver, forced two em-ployees to throw their hands in the air while he rifled the cash register of $200, also taking $150 from the two men. , The state crop pest commissiou Is working on a set of rules and regula-tions which will he published in the near future, and which will take up in detull the various and latest meth-ods of disease control among plant and crops. The head of the boys' and girls' clubs of Weber county is working out a plan whereby the leaders In the sugar beet, canning crop und pig raising contests will be awarded Liberty bonds. A trip to the state fair with expenses puid Is also promised. Of the twenty-si- x applications for pensions forwarded to the pensions commissioner at Washington by J..M. Westwood of the Utah County Indian War Veterans' association, but seven have been grunted, ulneteeu of tbem having been rejected. . The pluylng of children in wnr gar-dens or any ivanton destruction of the gardens Is to be an offeue punishable by fine or Imprisonment tot the par-ents of the chlldreu or by confinement to the state Industrial school for the children, It Is announced. Necessity of with the United States government by the In-creasing of the production of fruit dur-ing the coming year was urged upon members of the State Horticulturist society at the annual conveutlou of the society at Salt Ijike last week. J. II. Newbold, aged 1:8, was working at the Ohio Copper mill at Lark, mov-ing wires which necessitated his pass-ing under a line shaft, when the wire caught in the shaft and wound him and the wire around the daft, tearing his left arm from Its socket so that he bled to deuth. X)ressed In regulur array trousers, shirt. and puttees, Mrs..C. T. Knight, ageu 'M, trying to work her way to California to Join her husband at Camp Fremont, Jumped from a swiftly mov-ing train neur Ogden, was slightly In-jured, and' later was arrested because she was wearing a soldiers' uniform. If any community In the country has beuten Beaver in reporting Its Liberty soan as fully subscribed, It has had to work fust. Within a few minutes uft-e- r the opening of the drive, Beaver representatives telegraphed to Salt Lake its quota, not only fully sub-scribed, but oversubscribed by 40 per cent. There were fO0 persons In attend-ance at the stock shovf at Spanish Fork last week, nnd the promoters were more than pleased with the suc-cess of the venture. About 100 ani-mals were exhibited. The practical dismissal of ten teach-ers of the Jordan High school at Sundy has caused dissatisfaction among the teuchers of the district. The dis-missed teachers charge the board with unfairness and with using this meth-od of expressing their displeasure at the formation of a teachers' associa-tion. Enrollment In the boys' working re-serve is dally Inceruslrig, according to J, W. Watson, federal director for Utah, and it Is estimated that by the time the beet crop is ready for thin-ning more than 1WKK) hoy will be available for the work. ' Clasping her year-ol- child in her linns, Mrs. Zadock jiltchell of Hun-ter, and her baby narrowly escnped s.rlous injruy. when the btiKgy in which they were riding was over-turned and partly demolished by an Automobile. Tliey eM.bid .villi a few fcrui-'-es- 'Mrs. Thos. H. Davis, Montgomery, R. F. D. , Ind., writes: "I doctored months without relief. 1 commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and-j- t re-lief. Eight bottles cured me. Sold everywhere. THIS WOMAN FOUND RELIEF Backache, sore muscles, stiff or swollen Joints, rheumatic pains, dizzi-ness and like Ernrt'Jtns ere caused by disordered kidneys and bladdor HE CAN REST N,OW "I sutfertd greiUy fri m kidney and bladder trouble," writes F. B. Fair-banks, 55 Grand IRiver ave., W. De-troit, Mich, Had to get up six or seven times during the night. Foley Kidney Pills have worked wonders and I can recommend them as the best medicine I have ever taken." Tonic in action; quick, sure Sold everywhere. BEST FOR CHILDREN Experience proves that Foley's Honey and Tar Is the oev,t family medicine for children for coughs, 'olds, croup end whocplng cou?h. Mrs. M. E. Schlarb, 5'.6 Oakland Ave., Ashland, 1'n., writes: "When my little ?lrl gets a cold I give her a dose of it ind it always relieves her. I cannot .iraise it too highly." 'Sold every-where. YOUR BOY AND MINE .(room by one of the boys in t'nt service, written by E. K Woodward and sent to Mrs. John Scussell of Bingham, by her brother.) They've joined the colors, brave they be, To fight for their country, the land of the free. Young end strong and proud were they j When they left our homes, perhaps for aye. Yours from the city, from society and wealth ; Mine from the country, from sun-shine and health; Shoulder to shoulder, on the firing line Doing their duty your boy and mine. Their mothers dear had taught them when They were just mere boys to be brave men. .Now, ere they've forgotten their child-ish play, Their duty to country has called them awey; So proud are the mothers of the boys so trus, They know they'll honor the Red. White nnd Blue. y With their whole life's teachings from mothers so line, They'll do their duty your boy and mine. Those boys of ours, so brave and true. Are certainly an honor to me and you. Yours from the factory anJ mine from the farm (Will do their whole duty, both arm in arm. They'll never shirk, tho' their task be great. They'll follod Old Glory bcth early I and late; They "will whip the kaiser on the firing line, Then the world will honor your boy and mine. ' EULOGY ON OIL ' One of our friends who ia interested In the oil production of the country. ran ccross a beautiful tribute to the t a usefulness of this commodity a few ' days ago which he tliinlts V r.fuv'e or .) this camp will read with interest. It readj us follows: "Oil, the wizard of human necessity, 5ntrlnsically more valuable than geld, silver or copper or lead or zinc or Iron cr steel or dlnmonds or rubies be-cause the world could get along with-out any, of these things, but not with-out oil. ; "It's as mysterious as It is neces-sary, for science has failed yet to tell us (hence it comes. "outside of food. It's the greatest necessity of mankind because, throughout the world, no. machinery could run or operate to produce the re-quirements of mankind were it not for oil. Trains could not move; no vessels could sail the ocean; In fact, mach. inery of all kinds would Immediately cease operating should oil disappear from the earth. Thorn gr Bubstftutes for almost all our other necessities, but not for oil. .ia dominant among our requirements. fTruthfully, its the lubricant that moves all of our commerce, all our manufac-tories, all pur machinery, and clothes, feeds and "warms and makes life liv-able. As long as this good old world o' ours whirls around, oil will be required ' in increased amounts. "Great discoveries and developments of oil lands and increased production of oils become a national blessing, and all oil developments and prospecting should be encouraged by the national, state and local governments and the communities, for oil that invaluable substance is now doing the world's work, and every man or corporation that helps increase the supply Is a uni-versal benefactor of the human race." Report Made to the Bank Commis-- , sioner of the State of Utah, of the Condition of the BINGHAM STATE BANK Located at Bingham Canyon, in the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 29th day of March, 1918. Resources Loans and Discounts $ 308.660.71 Overdrafts Secured 21,757 08 Overdrafts Unsecured 14,193.72 Bonds. Liberty 5,000.00 Stocks and Other Bonds. . 1,195.00 Banking House 9,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures. . . 3,400.00 Real Estate 13,229.24 Due from National Banks 6,446.96 Due from State Banks and Bankers ' 122,545.33 Checks and Cash Items . . 1.433.20 Gold Coin 14,832.50 Silver Coin 6.485.M Currency ..: 32.547.00 Expense Account 2,501.02. Interest and Taxes Paid.. 2,396.90 Total $ 564,624.20 Liabilities Capitul S'ock paid in $ 15.000.00 'Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits, Inter- - , e.t, Exchange, tc 4,807.12 Individual Deposits 196,031.42 Cashier's Checks 9,564.63 Time Certificates of De-posit .'. 329,220.73 Total $ 564.624.20 State of Utah. County of Salt iUke. Earl Randall being first duly sworn according to law, deposes nnd says that he is cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing leport contains a full, true and cor-rect statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of busi-ness on the 29th dav of March, 1918. HAR1L RANDALL. Correct Attest: C. A. THOMPSON, IS. J. HAYS, EARL RANDUJL Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of April. 1918. NEHXIE RUOjVAN. Notary Public. (Seal) My commiwdon expires 2nd day of February, 1921. State of Utah, Office of Bank Com-missioner. I, W. E. Evans, Bank Commissioner cf the State, of Utih. do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of th statement of the above named company, filed In my of-fice this 9th day of April. 1918. W. E. EVANS, IBank Commissioner. ADVERTISED UNCLAIMED LETTERS (Bingham Canyon, Utah, April 10. Domestic fHledsoe, Howard; Bown, Wm.; Campora Gulseppina; Dixon. A. !L.; Dykes, (Bill; De Vol. HI. C; Ewing. Oliver; Furuga, N.; Johnson, Gus; Karas, Gust; McDonald, Mack; Martin, Geo.; Mellos, Nik; Marlch. Mike; Nel-son, Gus; Palagos, Louis; Rclse, Ban K; Swenny, Wllford; Stark, Mrs. Rosabell; Smith, 'Mrs. Marie; Sarlo. Sebastian; Wilcox, Mrs. (M. 'B.; Whang, D. S.: Winters, Chas., 2. Foreign Airandl, Domenicc: Agulri-ano- . Fernin; Glralomo, Russo; Johan-son- , August; Kang, C. M.; Bandstrom. Mrs. Ida; Niuojoud, Ardjour, D., Box 125. ' WHY NOT BE GOOD TO YOURSELF? If you awaken weary and unrefresh-e-in the morning, or tire early in the day. are bilious and "blue." with coated tongue and bad breath if you are suffering from Indigestion or you will find Foley Cathar-tic Tablets quick to relieve ,and com-fortable in action. They are whole-some and health-giving- . Sold every-where. Un cf Fetters Ancient The use of fetters goes back to an-cient times. Fetters were Usually mads of brass and also In pairs, the word being In the dual number. Iron was occasionally employed for the pur-pose. (Psnlms 105:18; 140:8.) All Supposition. Twenty-on- e Is supposed to be ths age cf discretion, but some women live to be sixty years old before they are discreet enough to wear comfortable idioes. Houston Duily Post. Force of Habit. Hank Cashier "Yon owe us a con sldetable overdraft, niadsm. What hall we do about It?" She "You may charge It, please." Judge. |