Show A new wrinkle is to be introduced introduced introduced intro intro- by the senior engineers It was suggested by various students students students stu stu- dents that a discussion of current engineering topics would be a good thing Professor Lyman was consulted and offered his services if we would let him be beA bethe bethe A the he Hierarch inclusive This office shall consist of a President a Secretary a Treasurer and an Executive Committee It shall be his privilege to pay all dues and set us up to a banquet banquet- at f the end of the year Although r he insists the last phrase should N read read sit up to a banquet After a hot old election Professor Lyman Lyman Ly- Ly man won by a avast vast majority No other candidate in the field The first meeting of this club which we will call for lack of a n name me The Hierarchy was held Nov 20 and was well attended A. A L. L Taylor 07 reviewed the Engineering Record and showed marked ability as a speaker W Wm m. m Mifflin 07 told of his trip to Monroe where he tested a waterworks system recently installed installed in in- stalled there by Professor Ly- Ly man |