Show r r f r rr f E J L I J I l M MARSHALL BREEDEN Preps Patronize Student Activities REALITY i. i Tell me not in mournful numbers J r Life is but an empty dream Ive I've been freezing in a school schoolhouse schoolhouse house t Cause they wont won't turn on the tt steam Mary had a little lamb always at her side Till a meat packer happened by And now deified I There was a little girl girlAnd girlAnd And she took a little whirl And then was forced to to atone some But the more she tried t The more she cried t. t 6 i g For wh when n she w was s good she was lonesome Those who are desirous of joining joining joining join join- ing the Order of Monkeys can apply apply apr ap ap- r ply to Cardinal Monk Wyman or Master Mechanic of Finances Stockman I The student the greatest yeller r on earth rises gloriously to the time A Utah Man and then re re- members he doesn't know the JI as words Learn em em kids t The Prep Engineering Society will have a lodge room All AU Engineers Engineers Engineers En En- are requested to join Get your membership ticket It Thou too sc score on n 0 O Team of t State rw Sail on Q O Utah strong and great Our hearts our hopes are all with thee Our hearts our hopes our pocketbooks pocketbooks pocketbooks pocket- pocket books our tears Our ur faith triumphant oer o'er our fears Are all with thee D. D. D B. B 0 He stole kiss a iF And the angry Miss Exclaimed I like your cheek I good said he I shave you see Each morning in the week In Geom Mr will you a arise rise and explain this ex Mr rises etc t t. t The little girls in History had bett better r behave or I will make them work Professor Professor R. R Mr Gilbert was forced to acknowledge acknowledge acknowledge ac ac- knowledge that he was ignorant on the subject Ladies Shirt Waists The Prep Student Body will organize organize organize or or- under the supervision of President Ferguson and Vice President President President Pres Pres- ident Johnson who will operate co-operate with Mr Young in making the Preps alive to their work They will shortly meet to choose school motto and present their athletes with numerals Mr Young is working hand in hand with the students to make this organization a success Oh Dr Dippy Oh Dr Dippy The fiercest teacher This school ever knew He talks right at them And makes em get the habit Oh Dr Dippy of the U. U of U. U |