Show it Chesterfield CLOTHES b FALL STYLES u tJ very thing the season seasons season's s sU U smart style requires is expressed in our II Chester Chester- Chesterfield Chesterfield Chesterfield field II Suits and Overcoats S C 9 41 The broad shoulders full LL r c chest hest and generous lapels are some of the pleasing features in the cut of II Ches Ches- Chesterfield Chest Chesterfield tt II t clothing Chester Chester- Chesterfield Chesterfield Chesterfield field n II suits have more style r J Jand rand and better fit than any other clothing in the city Prices 1800 to W WE KEEP ALL THE CLOTHING WE SELL CLEANED and PRESSED PRESSED PRESS PRESS- ED FREE of CHARGE A clean proposition for both CRAY BROS COMPANY COMPANY MAIN STREET Ir SS |