Show Pinched Grafted or or Annexed Some weeks ago a book ook of spir spiral l curves mysteriously disappeared It was the property of Prof Lyman and was last seen seen in one of the Senior Senior Senior Se Se- classes and since then no clue of the grafter could be found till about two weeks ago when a trail vas was vas struck by Prof Lyman It led him to Warm Springs where the had taken a footbath and the scent was lost forever As a last resort a reward was offered offered offered of of- and the Prof has a standing offer of a stick of half-eaten half licorice licorice licor licor- i ice e which he lie will give for information information information tion leading up to the arrest of the pincher who committed the annex annex- Fred Ferron Perron 07 the peroxide Swede and Fr Frank Deming 08 i have just returned to school from San Juan where they have been doing deputy land surveying Both gentlemen are looking healthy and spite of reports to the contrary Charles Gibbs the popular Senior Senior Senior Se Se- is suffering with an attack of typhoid fever |