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Show MAKE ALL APPOINTMENTS Council Completes Organization Parowan City's new administration adminis-tration was comple'ed at the regular reg-ular meeting of the city council on Monday night, at which time new appointments were jnade to three appoin'ive offices and Incumbent In-cumbent officers were re appoint-ed appoint-ed to all other positions. The three newly appoin'ed officers, of-ficers, who took over their dut-ie dut-ie Wednesday were Elmer Truman, Tru-man, Fred Dalton and Robert L. Gardner, the later of Cedar City Truman was the choice of the council for city marshal, and replaced re-placed Fred Sml'h. who has serv-ed serv-ed for the past several months. Other applicants for the Job were Mr. Smith, Ray Bent ley, Mr. Dal. ton, VVebs'er Bettridge and Dee Evans. Fred Dalton was named as city ci-ty superivsor of s'reets and waterworks, wa-terworks, replacing Mario Top-ham, Top-ham, who had held this position for the past year and a half. Dai-ton Dai-ton was the council's choice over Topham, Paul Fife, Dee Evans, Basil Gilger and Webs'cr Bettridge, Bet-tridge, the o'her applicants. The other change was made In the office of city attorney with Mr. Gardner replacing Orville Isom, also of Cedar, in that po-si'ion. po-si'ion. One other appoin'ment. that of Justice of the peace, was held up until the opinion of the attorney at-torney general of Utah can be ob'ained on a legal question. Aird G. Merkley has held this office for several months and Is now a member of the city council, coun-cil, being elected in November. He would like to hold both offices of-fices if there is no legal objec- tion, and will serve at least un-l til an opinion can be ob'ained. Then if his holding bo'h offices Is declared legal, he will be giv-i en the regular appointment. All other incumbents holding city appointive offices were reappointed re-appointed by the mayor and council. These include Verda E. Adams, city recorder, Ber'a Bur-' ton, treasurer; Clayton Rasmus-, sen, buildings and parks custo- dian and sexton; Ross Guymon. elcetrician; O. W. Orton and Frank Mortensen, power plant operators, and Dr. R. T. Wilker- son, city physician. O'her matters of business to come before the meeting was th' request of Jim Mortensen, local pool hall and beer tavern operator, opera-tor, asking for permission to sell beer on Sundays and for a reduc-l tion in the cost of his license to opera'e a pool hall. As the city ordinence define these regulations regula-tions the council voted to make no change, thus denying both re quests. |