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Show LIVING IN THE ESCALANTE VALLEY MODENA PHONES SOON TO BE READY Residents of Modena will soon be enjoying their new telephone system. According to Leon Bowler, Bow-ler, manager of the Escalante Valley Electric Assn., who has been helping with the Installation Installa-tion of line and equipment, the South Central Utah Telephone Assn. agreed to provide the telephone tele-phone service for the town of Modena if the people themselves would do the aciual construction construc-tion work on the line. On Jan. 4 and 5 and also Jan. 11 a group of Modena men direc'ed by Robert Rob-ert Hyde and assisted by Mr. Bowler and Marshall Austin installed in-stalled the wire for the new line. It now remains for the insulators to be installed and for the telephone tele-phone company to complete the connec'ions, and all indications are that Modena should be enjoying en-joying modern telephone service for the first time within a few weeks. RE A SPECIALISTS CONSIDER POWER NEEDS On Jan. 8 and 9 Lynn Ludlow Lud-low and J. L. Dirnberger. irrigation irriga-tion specialists for the REA were in the valley to check on the feasibility of extending power service to Beryl, and to the pump wells in the north end of th valley which are now operated by gasoline and diesol engines. Local residents will recall that at the time the REA first considered con-sidered coming Into the valley the animal units represented bv these ranches on the north bench was one of the determining determin-ing factors in securing power service for the valley, and it has long been felt that these residents resi-dents should be provided with this modern convenience as soon as H was economically feasible to construct the extra miles of line. CUB SCOUTS REPORT PROGRESS At the regular monthly pack meeting of the cub scous a new den was organized and individual individ-ual and group awards were given. giv-en. The new den, to be called the "Webelos Den" will be led by assistant cubmaster, Hal K. Tucker of Beryl, who was sworn in at this meeting, and will consist con-sist of boys from the three other dens who have reached the 104 to 12 year age bracket. These boys will be given instruction to prepare them to become full-fledged full-fledged scouts when they reach the age of 12. and will have to pass the Tenderfoot Scout tests to qualify for den membership. Special guests at the pack meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jos-eph Barney of Cedar City. Mr. Barney Is the district scout commissioner. com-missioner. Awards were presented as follows: fol-lows: Den 1, Dennv Wood and Tom my Anzalone. Wolf badges; Terry Ter-ry Pederson. Arrom. Den 2. Rocky Tucker and Dav-ry Dav-ry Paderon. Arrow. Den 3 (Newcastle). Danry Tullis. Wolf badge; Reed Reeves. Bobcat pin. In addition. Den 2 again won the honor flag for parent attend-ance attend-ance at pack mecMngs with nine out of a possible 10 parents In attendance. This award which was initiated last mon'h to stimulate stim-ulate parent participation in the scouting proeram has thus far been held only by Den 2. However How-ever it is reported that parent participation in all three dens is very good. The theme for the evening's entertainment was "The Twelfth Night of Chrls'mas" and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Piner and Mr. and Mrs. Niels Neilson and the cubs made elaborate preparations for the skit which was presented. Mrs. Augusta Hunt, assisted by Mrs. Miriam McGarry at the piano, pi-ano, presented a musical quiz game for the boys and small prizes were awarded. One of the highlights of the evening was a hilarious imaginary lion hunt on which Mr. Barney the scout-I scout-I ing commissioner took the group. Punch and cookies were served by the paren's of the boys. Saturday, Jan. 11 the weekly den mee'ings of the cubs were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryner Wood. Following th meetings the boys played games and refreshments were served. NOLAN HYDE TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hyde of Modena and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mar-shall AusMn of Beryl are making mak-ing plans to go to Ogden for the Feb. 21 wedding of the Hyde's son Nolan to Miss Ruth Povey of that city. Mr. Austin, brother-in-law of the groom-elect will act at best mand at the wedding. LIONS CLUB MEETS The regular mon'hly mpeting of the Escalante Valley Lions Club was held Wednesday, Jan 8 at the Escalan'e Valley school. Members enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner prepared by Mrs. Miriam McGarry, Mrs. Phyllis Wood, and Mrs. Juanita Butler. A final report was made on the deer hide collection contest indicating indi-cating tha the "A" team was the winner. Members of the winning team will be treated to a steak dinner by the losers at a future date to be decided later. AREA REPRESENTED AT STATE MEET Miss Lucille Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Hunt, and for several years an ou standing 4-H'er in this part of the state, reeen'ly brought additional recognition recog-nition to the valley when she was declared the St. George area winner of the Junior division In the Make It Yourself With Wool contest, sponsored by the Wool Growers' Auxiliary. As a result of this win Miss Hunt was eligible to participate In the statewide competi'ion for local winners in Salt Lake City. Wool growers' Auxiliary officials offi-cials reported that this year's contest was outstanding both in he quality of sewing done by the girls and the choice and style of garments which were constructed. con-structed. At the Monday night compe'ition Miss Hunt modeled the Beige wool flannel dress with which she won the local honors. As a special feature of this year's contest all participants. partici-pants. 56 in the junior division and 37 in the senior division, were given professional modeling instruction by a EaP Lake Ci'y modeling agency and as a result the style show was rated even better than usual. Local residents resi-dents can be very proud of Miss Hunt's continued ou'sfandin work in the field of home economics. ATTENDS SPrCTAL ACP MEETING Wednesday, Jan. S. Eiuno Dl.t-si, Dl.t-si, newly elected ACP committeeman commit-teeman was in Richfield for a special get-acquainted and introduction in-troduction meeting for all new ACP officers in this dis'rict. The meeting also included a discussion discus-sion by members of the ACP, the Soil Conservation Service, the Forest Service, the Extension Service and the Sia'e Fish and Game Service of the Conservation and Acreage Reserve Program. LADIES CLUB MEETS ' The January meeting of th" I Ehcalante Valley Ladies' Club was held Thursday, Jan. 16 at th home of Mrs. LaRue Dannely. It was a regular business meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Dannely and cohos'ess. Mrs. Marlly Austin. SPECIAL NOTICE I Local residents are reminded that there is still a great deal of work to be done on the new recreatlcn building and anyone who can spend some time helping help-ing with Cuncre'e work and the floor Is requested to contact Don Applegate. NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Young Phillip Farnsworth, sot' of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Farnsworth. Farns-worth. is recuperating from r broken arm suffered in a fall from a truck while vacationing in Arizona. The Escalan Valley Lions Club In cooperation with the Es calante Valley Electric Assn.. re-cenMy re-cenMy Installed street lights Ir front of the local elemen'ar school, and at the recreation hai in Modena. The Lions Club wt!' maintain these lights and also those in the Newcastle recrea-ion recrea-ion area, while the EVEA wiil provide the power. The third and fourth grades at the Escalante Valley Elemen-j tary School are currently taking tak-ing a special project in their s'udy of the state of Utah and have written latters to people in all parts of the state. They report re-port excellent support from those people con'ac'ed and have received re-ceived a great deal of useful and interesting Information. Sam Holt, well known local farmer, has enrolled at the College Col-lege of Sotuhern Utah for the winter quar'er. He plans to major ma-jor in elementary education. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gardner returned from Salt Lake City last week where Mr. Gardner un derwent medical treatment. Local Lo-cal residen's are pleased to see that Mr. Gardner, who was critically criti-cally ill for much of the past six months, is making encouraging progress toward recovery. While in California the Moyles visited with former residents Frank Hard and the Jim Hun'er family at ElCaJon. They reported that Mr. Hard, who will be 86 In May, is In quite good health and that the Hunters are doing well n California. Mrs. Maud Moyle Is home from a lengthy visit In northern U'ah and Idaho. She visited with her brother and sister in Salt Lake City, and with friends and relatives rela-tives in Logan and Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price recently recent-ly returned from a trip to Richland, Rich-land, Calif., where they visited with Mr. Price's family. Since their return Mr. Price has gone to Glen Canyon, Ariz., where he is employed. |