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Show HIGH SCHOOL PLAY TO BE PRESENTED THURSDAY After many weeks of diligent rchdarsM the Cedtir Cnty high school plans to present the play "Seven Keys To Baldpate", on Thursday night at 8:30 in the Public School Auditorium. This play was written by George M. Cohan and has proven a very popular play for many years. The high school play cast in order of appearance is as follows: Kenneth Barrick. Mary Short. Jim Hickman. Clarmont Webster. Gayle Alice Baker, Sylvia Ilin-kle, Ilin-kle, Rex Nelson, TCent Hulet. Blair Kenney, Olaf Larson, David Hunt, and Jacqueline Leigh. The play is under the direction of J. C. Haws, Speech and Drama Dra-ma director of the school, assisted assist-ed by Betty Jean Corry n.s Student Stu-dent Director. Assistance is being given on the light and sound effects by Eardley Madsen, John Pendleton as chairman of the stage set. and George Hess, chairman of stage properties. The play climaxes a full and successful year at the Cedar high school, and promises to provide a night of enjoyable entertainment entertain-ment for all students and patrons of the Cedar schools. The play will be given free of charge and everyone is invited invit-ed t attend. |