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Show gam duality Ingredients JiW assure baking success $$2 3 ftvorife j Wv'v u Housewives who know they'll have easy success Srr.i DtXIDE rCGlDCS V V4 Vyftl jhf 1 with all kinds of home-baking know this too: i n , - : , HM !:CJ7L LL it's the qua7.y of the ingredients that makes for f J J'K ' "11 XJv5 Jif4t consistently satisfactory results! Here at Safe- .XfXsXXIs ''filXI Ti. rfiffl SPl''il fh way we ave the very things that' make it easy ittXliil 11. 1x32 j luff U-ivMffiV n or ou acn'eve ose results. All in one store, Hgj jf S" '5r'CW' 8aVe yU moner' ock UP is IT 1 Shortening Estate 60 ;." "."".,. .r.-.j Enriched Flour Bisqukk ' ., 32 I ;;;;;; t If ITrUCkl rD ACT flaTC Mornin? Glory, For Delicious Tfl E. 1 bP- 1 99 MKHcN IKAN VCltt Oatmeal Cookies lg. pkg. X.U' I' I tbips. short- Milk 50 lbs. .. $2.09 25 lbs. $1.09 DuuftJ Peanut Butter (Tops for ACj I ... . .. ! DCVCI IV P'nut Butter Cookies) 2 lbs. jf I Sift flour; measure; sift again with HPIFTFn WnW .. I !ltni Powder, salt and sugar. Cut LMUtu jnjn Vims Towdered Beet (With Stamp) I7v I " shortening, add orange rind and i . ..... $2.44 .I... $1.23 fu? ,o 2 '- ij 2S?5ra at ran, S Daf If Choice Seedless Xl J I cup; add to dry ingredients, itirring f HARVEST BLOSSOM ldk. -IS 15 oz. pkg. Lf I only until all the flour is dampened. - & a tsi 1 m mk Knead on lightly floured board 20 to r,o lU Si 87 ni lbs 77? Pvlrar Westag Imitation Vanilla lily I 30 seconds; roll or pat to VS-inch 1 lbS ,JM,U7 - 'ba- 7 1f CXllaCl 8 oz. bottle lUf I thickne-s. Place in ungreastd 9-inch ; i t iSUSYh " T" I . I 'y' cake pan; score sconeH with iSAxAsaauSA I I J u. S. Inspected 7 4 I fork. Bake in hot oven (450" F.) ffjf LQIU 4 lbs. i itf I about 10 minulvs or until brown. V WUfjtjLif IAxKJUaJAjU i J 1 J,u I 1 cup enrichsd Dour Ji tip. salt 7T- . ! Mlllr Ehr.rub( TP Quality . 00 I yt cup butUr or 1 cup wUr V MIIR Tall can ....I for J7f I .hortonlng 4 iggt 'mm KsrA"i - 40 "' M aass.. 3? gLSraL"!W: GRAPEFRUIT 3's... 30( Baby Food 1? r.';;irKiB.WS Ploridn. Thin Skin, Juicy 5 lbs. 40 Vi) RpanC whl,. lclous Ad 1 . btttinf until dough leaves r Dvflll) Baked lbs. dIC I tide of jan; cool slightly. Add egg, AVAfAHAC The 9 Vitamin nZd , m n,nnkA v . ki sp, I ont at timo (have eggs at room AYAIAVUJ Kruit - 13 SOUD ? I esni 25 I P), beating until batter is UCU rADOATC No. 1 Solid Gr.-en Ad ,ai f f smooth after each addition. Drop by NCtI LADDAUL - -. .lb. 1 'KAAfc Anytlm.. Died or 11 heaping tablespoonfuls on ungreaeed rADDATC N". 1. New Crop. T.-nOer Sweet Id ... TV 14 ll . f fj LAciilUlj ...... lb. 0C (3' InieA Suiii t Pi uno 07a 4 1-inch, spreading into shape with V.Jlt.- . . , JU,te Ql. 11 a knife. Bake in hot oven (450 F.) POTATOES X ' Te!"," " 1. lOt ,8' IllfrA Tnwnhou.. Un.w..t.ned OQrf fbU 20 r?inUle, '"fMP"; I VIHIVM JUICC iiapafruli ii oi. IqI ture to moderate oven (3509 F.) and ACDADAAIIC t'lesh CrUp Groen c d .... , m.. continue to bake 20 minutes longer AirArtA'j'Jj Rpeors -lb. & TfJmatOM lTSmi, Mi thoroughly dry and will hold br Unions n3disnS rr?pi vr .. I9( pac Tnaor. vugA iqa pU(fs. SwppmpV. 1H"M'" a reaS .l-mtKr.,., o.,5(,r UMON TIA MUFFINS ICTTISrC Solid Cilsp kcheig- i LCI lUtL - 10 ; OfL IcMponrlchod , cup sugar flour i obqs .., Mr - - r i;i S -Si-'-! V ,emeo Marmalade tuhIm" """"'sTos 29 ."im XlVrmu , V Sift flour and measure; sift again Coffee W SIRL0IN STEAK -r39 aSgJK--JStfilK Duchess ai.,. 23 m LAMB CHOPS hWp-(u m sfSda Lunch Box 25 " BACON 22$ &L"tizz n,. 32 B Jell-Well 5 GROUND BEEF For Tryu" . lit l DMnt ilateway Cut Green 11V . eiili rV ZV each addition. Fold in stiffly beaten Dean -So. I can H? VUflRT RIRC l'n 'or Bolllnc 4ld egg whites. FiU well greased small T;na Northern Tullot Tiaaue Ofl IHUJ A Uradt lb. t9f muffin pun J full. Bnke in moder- ,,1Jue rolls IVf- (i CDAUlfFIIDTFDC Frtah. Typa t 10 ately hot oven 00 FJ 10 minutes Pop Soap K'"lll' Clnn'l, r''c 25 rnAnArUniLnJ lb. Z7( oruntUdcns. Makes 24 tiny muluns. I Bch w m pot roast ..t... ,. m 0 ru I og food . 25 UNIIAN IIAMi .b. J4f Sa Ihmtmskt;t. B I Pot Cleaner J. .5 s COLD MEATS KW?... 48C R - Don't let your auto policy Upse because you're driving lass. IT'S YOUR PROTECTION! General Acceptance Corp. GLEN FROYD, Mgr. Phone I0-J Auto Finance Cash Loans Kefliuuiclng BEADSHAW CHEVROLET I COMPANY I FhoM Ol dm u mr OR FAULTY 1 yff SFARK PlUG CAN JJ WASTE ONI GALLON $g QF CAS IN EVERY UN REPLACE WITH NEW PLUGS See Your Neighborhood I Pep 88- Vico Station or Dealer j LET US HELP KEEP YOUR CAP. $jJ5)3 IN FIGHTING TRIM -J |