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Show KANARRA Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Chrlstensen have returned home after spending a few days In Callente, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Williams are at home again after spending a few months at Boulder City. Nev. With their daughter. Mrs. Velma Petar-son. Petar-son. B. P. Williams and Mrs. Lorenzo Loren-zo J. Williams and daughter, Fern, went to Salt Lake City where Mr. Williams attended conference. Mist Fern Williams reported for her phy-. leal examination on April 7, preparatory pre-paratory to entering service with the Waves. She has been employ, ed at the Iron County Hospital for the past three years. Clara Williams of Basic, Nevada, Is here visiting for a few days with friends and relatives. Ralph Delong of Pangultch was here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reeves. Mr. Delong has been working In the St. George temple for the past week. Mrs. Maria Ford and son, Alton, have returned home after spending the winter In California. Mrs. Lola Prince and daughter of New Harmony, spent an after-noon after-noon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Piter Fife and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fife, all of Summit, were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis and family. A baby girl was born at the Iron County hospital April 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dal ton. Mrs. Dal ton was the former Leon Williams. Mr. Dalton Is serving with the U. 8. Army somewhere la England. Mrs. Agnes Stxuhlt and daughter. Barbara, left for Salt Lake C.ty to attend the funeral of Mrs. Strub. le's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Wells A. Williams and family spent a few days In Boulder City, Nevada. Mrs. Jane Brauch of price, Utah, visited with her nelce Mrs. Ivan Davis. Mrs. Gayle Perkins and children of Peoria, Utah, have returned home after spending two weeks here at the hwne of Mr. and Mrs. William Reeves. Several of our towns people attended at-tended the funeral of James John-ion John-ion of Toquerville. Mr. and Mrs. 8am L. Pollock anf daughter. Wllma visited in Cedar City at the home of their son Vcrl and family. . Mrs. Amanda William visited few days In New Harmony with fcer daughter and family, b. P. and Mrs. Lysle Prince. Mrs. James Lovell and children hav returned home from Las Vegas Nevada. |