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Show - - '' ii -)i w Dr. Smith Up-To-Datc. Of. K. Smith, ilcntlHt is with ins; If not. up to ditto. Ho has boon In tho habit of HoourlttR all tho modern con-vonlonccH con-vonlonccH In hh profcHlon and hm always endeavored to jjur tho beta apptlanooH with which to do proper work. Mb latest addition to bin dental parlor Ih a lata model Htorlllzor, n which bin tools can bo Hterill'.ed with. In a verv few mlnnto', and not only that, by Ita into ho will nover nood to wait because 1110 81011.01 Is constantly at work If anyono doubw tliir fact just top Into tho dootor'n office and lot hint con vino you. And by tbo way. Ho h otilonliitln on u'olt'tr lo Heaver for tho holidays, and thOfO who aro anxioiiK to have work dono will do well to (p at onoo and imvo It dono. Tho doctor IritondHiutiklnj,' Cedar bis hotdquartnrs, and will visit ouoaslon-aUv ouoaslon-aUv tho HurroundlnV Hettlomonts. IIo HiiiIh this abrtolutoly nouosmiry for tbo roaion that his many p.itronsof tho HUtToundln towm o'linnoUalways coiuq to Cedar, i Ilomumbor If you want work dono now, (jot to thoollleo In timo, olso you may find tho dontlst h.w jjono to lloaver. |