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Show XIKIAS! XMAS! I K You Want Something Sensible I For Xmas Call At The CEDAR SHEEP ASS'N I We Carry a Line Suitable for Young and Old, and I g it is a Pleasure to Show You Our Goods, I We Have the Most Useful and j g Beautiful Line of Dishes 4 3 in the City, k We are Equipped to Supply your Wants in ft f gOOTS WAISTS FURS BALED HAY I f SHOES SKIRTS SHAWLS GRAIN 1 'i OVER SHOES KIMONAS FACINATORS FLOUR l I ?&D!?5,c. H0SIRY TOBOGGANS GRAHAM 1 f SWEATERS GLOVES BOOTEES GERMADE , I g OVERALLS UND'RWAR BLANKETS CEREALS 1 We also Carry Q Ful1 Line of Standard Groceries, .j& Free Delivery From 8 a, m. to 6 p. m. fl "XKe Leader." I I IN GENKIVL MERCHANDISE 1 CEDAR SHEEP ASSOCIATION. i I M. D. HIGBEE; Superintendent. I WW ' ' Am Imt I Milford Lumber Company I I i Wholesale and Retail Dealers In II m Lumber, Shingrles, Lath, and Mouldings, Sasli, Doors, Cement, Neplri W 1 8$ Plaster, Porch Posts, in fact everything I in the builders line. I m Ruberoid by the Car. This roofing has no equal on the M marKet. Sold in one and two square rolls. 3 Come With Your Teams, Wc Have Men Ready to Load You. p 1 Phone 8, P. O. Box 49, Milford, Utah. I PS Notice to Water Users. Statu Enginoor's Ollice, Suit Lako City, Uuih, Novoiubor 0. 1009. Notico is hereby given that William W Roumly, whoso post-ollloo address in Kanarra, Utah, has mado application In aecordanoo with tho requirements of tho Compiled Laws of Utah, 1007, ns amended by tho Sosslon Laws of Utah, l!K)l, to appropriate six 0 cubic foot pqr second of wator from Kanarra, Dry and Camp Crooks, Iron County, Utah. Said wator will bo diverted at n point which llo$ 330 foot north and 1,110 feet oast of the northwest oornor of Section 31, Township 3S south, Uango 12 west, Salt Lako base and meridian, from wlmro It will be conveyed for a distance dis-tance of 700 foot by moans of a canal und there used from January 1 to December De-cember 31, Ineluslvo. of each year, to Irrljjato 230 acres of land ombraced In Sections 30 and 31, Township 33 south, Range 12 wost; and Section 36, Town-ihlp Town-ihlp 3S south, Range 13 wast, Salt Lake base and meridian. This application appli-cation Is designated in tho State Eogi-Poor's Eogi-Poor's oilloe as No. 2481. AH protests against tho granting of said application, stating tho roasons therefor, must bo made by atUduvit In duplicate and tiled In this ofllco within thirty (30) days after tho completion of publication of this notice. CALEB TANKKR, Stnto Engineer. Dato of first publltjatlun November 12, tM9, dato of completion of publtaa-tlou publtaa-tlou December 13, lw9. yf , I s,rPLJ ELITE BARBER SHOP. I II . LL. OAVID WEBSTGR, Prop. tAA I HaircuttirtR. jQ I Locution Sondin Uulldinf rJi 1 -'r" Cltv. Utah. 1 LEIGH Ac TJDR.IE1 I f QSrgoMloTci I I Cedar CltCljUih 1 . 1 j! CtORY BROS. STAGE LINE. j Daily Rigs Between Cedar City and 1 T A J Lund, Utah. J "; : Good Service and Accommodations. Teams and I Buggies Furnished on Application for. the Virgin Oil Fields. Terms Reasonable J , I |